Club Excel @ St Hilda’s School

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About Club Excel @ St Hilda’s School

Name Club Excel @ St Hilda’s School
Address St Hilda’s School, High Street, Bushey, Hertfordshire, WD23 3DA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are excited to arrive at this friendly holiday club. They are thoroughly engaged throughout their time at the club. Children show high levels of concentration and cooperate extremely well with one another to complete tasks.

For example, children are making up dance routines. They listen well to each other's ideas and offer praise and support to one another.Children of all ages behave well.

They are kind and considerate and offer help in tasks. For example, children independently pack away equipment and toys before lunch. Staff support children's knowledge of suitable behaviour by conducting age-appropriate group s...essions at the start of the day.

Children confidently recall the club rules and discuss why they are in place. For example, young children tell staff that they use their 'walking feet' so that they do not bump into each other.Children demonstrate high levels of confidence.

They chat enthusiastically to visitors and are eager to invite them into their play. Staff encourage self-confidence by offering lots of praise for children's efforts and achievements in all activities. For example, children who are initially reluctant to join in group challenges are praised for their team spirit.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Parents are complimentary about staff and the care they offer. They value the high-quality communication they receive about children's time in the club. Parents also comment on the flexibility of staff and the service they provide.

Children form close friendships with one another. They are kind and offer each other support in group activities. For example, older children cheer on their younger friends in an 'interactive cone' game.

Staff encourage these friendships by placing children in teams according to their skills and interests.Staff form close relationships with families from the start. They establish in-depth knowledge about children's interests.

This enables staff to plan activities which children enjoy, and which meet their individual needs. Staff also gather essential details about children's medical needs. They use this information to provide an environment which is safe for all children.

For example, the club is a 'nut-free' environment to support children with severe allergies.Staff work closely with the host school. This allows them to access additional resources and activities to support the interests and needs of all children.

For example, older children develop new skills on the tennis courts. Younger children explore age-appropriate play equipment in the nursery playground.Children have a strong understanding of healthy lifestyles.

They have access to a wide variety of sports both indoors and in the safe outdoor area. Children understand the need to wash their hands regularly, especially before meals and snacks. Staff sit with children during mealtimes.

They use this as an opportunity to discuss the delicious healthy food in their packed lunches.Directors conduct regular appraisals on all staff. This enables them to identify additional training needs.

Staff have access to a wide range of training opportunities to support their ongoing development. Staff comment on how well supported they are. Directors encourage staff development and progression within the club.

Directors and staff reflect well on all aspects of the club. They hold regular meetings to ensure all activities continue to meet the needs of children. Camp directors monitor health and safety information to maintain a safe environment for all children.

For example, they analyse details about accidents and make changes where necessary.Staff are highly qualified and knowledgeable about how children develop. They provide wonderful learning opportunities during planned activities and sessions of free play.

For example, young children are making vehicle collages. Staff encourage children to explore the features of their chosen vehicles and how they work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Directors and staff have a secure understanding of how to keep children safe. They know the signs and symptoms which could indicate that a child is at risk of harm. Directors and staff have a clear understanding of the correct process to follow if they have concerns about the welfare of a child.

Directors have robust recruitment processes in place. This ensures all staff are suitable to work with children. Staff supervise children well in all areas and conduct thorough risk assessments on all areas of the club.

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