Club Excel at Abbot’s Hill School

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About Club Excel at Abbot’s Hill School

Name Club Excel at Abbot’s Hill School
Address Abbots Hill School, Bunkers Lane, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 8RP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children relish their time at the club. They excitedly arrive and leave their parents with ease. They are greeted by enthusiastic, happy, and caring staff.

The club offers a host of fun and challenging activities that are pre-booked by the parents. Children gather in the hall and are welcomed by the manager. They are reminded of the activities available, the expectations and safety rules of the club and how to keep themselves hydrated throughout the day.

Children are well supervised as they settle in their chosen activity. Children who are less confident receive lots of reassurance from the staff. They are kind and caring ...towards the children and speak respectfully to them.

Younger children's welfare is fully considered and there is a focus on ensuring their individual needs are met. They are fully engaged and demonstrate they are settled, happy and confident within the club.Children of mixed ages participate in activities together.

They have immense fun as they work in teams during interactive light relay and laser tag. Children make friendships and older children are encouraged to help the younger ones. Children's behaviour is very good.

They thoroughly enjoy the tuck shop. Children patiently queue with excitement as they purchase a snack of choice. They sit comfortably and chat happily together as they rest between activities in the beautiful and relaxing surroundings.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are fully engaged in activities throughout the day. These are booked prior to attending as a secure online booking system is available for parents. This enables parents to share relevant information, such as dietary needs, medication and any additional support their children may require.

Thorough risk assessments are completed for activities provided. Stringent policies and procedures are in place to ensure children's safety as they participate in the multi-sports activities provided, which includes swimming sessions. Children are reminded about the rules of the games, working as teams and how to stay safe.

Children's emotional well-being is fully supported. For example, staff have a good knowledge of the children attending. They are skilful in their interactions with them and engage children in meaningful conversation.

They are fully supportive when children need a little extra attention and reassurance and offer comfort to children who may be upset. Younger children can bring comforters if necessary, however, these are soon discarded as they become engrossed in the exciting activities. Children can participate in calm activities and enjoy the arts and crafts studio, where they can sit comfortably and be creative.

The director and his team have established positive working relationships with the host school. Many of the children attending the holiday club also attend the school during term time. This means they are very familiar with the extensive grounds and settle quickly.

Good communication is maintained between the club managers and the headteacher.Staff speak positively and with enthusiasm about their role, are happy and feel valued. Ongoing support ensures they are confident and fully equipped to care for the children attending.

Staff practice is observed and monitored regularly. The team get together at the end of each day to evaluate the day's activities and discuss any changes or improvements needed to further enrich the children's time at the club.Parents speak very positively about all aspects of the care and activities provided for their children.

They comment that they are 'truly grateful' to the staff and that their children have a wonderful time. Parents feel reassured leaving their children at the club that they are safe, and that staff are extremely caring, while having a fun time. They comment how they appreciate the staff retention and that their children have familiar adults caring for them.

Parents comment that they receive good information. They can communicate any concerns they may have and are fully aware of the club's policies and procedures.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Children's safety is a priority. A stringent recruitment and vetting procedure means children are cared for by staff who are suitable to do so. Staff complete a thorough induction programme and complete basic safeguarding training before they commence their role to ensure children's welfare is protected.

The management team and staff demonstrate a sound knowledge of the process to follow should they have a concern about a child in their care. This includes aspects of child protection, such as the 'Prevent' duty and whistle-blowing procedures. Completion of robust risk assessments of the premises and activities provided mean children's health and safety is not compromised.

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