Club Kidz Limited

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About Club Kidz Limited

Name Club Kidz Limited
Address Park Street C Of E Primary School, Branch Road, Park Street, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2LX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children show warm and secure relationships with their key person. They smile with delight as they are collected from their classroom.

Children eagerly share previous experiences with staff, who create a warm and calm environment. Staff welcome each child by name and ensure that their chosen activity is available. Children concentrate and use the colours they have mixed to paint intricate details on three-dimensional models.

Children are confident and show a strong sense of belonging. They talk to visitors about why they enjoy attending the club and proudly show their creations. Children enjoy the freedom to play outdoors the fresh air.

They jump up and down in excitement as staff encourage them to have a go at making giant bubbles. Children persevere and work out the best way for the bubble liquid to stick to a length of string. They discover that walking backwards slowly with the bubble wand creates the biggest and longest bubbles.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know the children well and genuinely enjoy spending time with them. Staff follow children's lead in their chosen activities and sensitively join in with their play. Children welcome their help to join small bands together to create a bracelet.

Children's health is promoted by staff. They follow robust hygiene routines at all times and demonstrate that they know to thoroughly wash their hands when they arrive at the club. Children make independent choices from a varied range of healthy foods.

Staff adopt a flexible approach of when children choose to have their snack. They are mindful that some children do not want to eat shortly after arriving at the club. Staff ensure foods are suitable for children's individual dietary needs.

They encourage children to have plenty of water to drink, especially on warmer days.Children behave very well. Staff work in partnership with them to agree the boundaries of the club.

They teach children to read the body language of others. This helps children to recognise and respect the emotional well-being of their peers. Staff share the agreed club boundaries with parents to support a consistent approach.

All children show friendly relationships. They speak to one another with respect and invite all children to play a game of 'hide the ball'.Partnerships with school and parents are good.

Staff obtain a wealth of information about children's likes, dislikes and interests when they start. They use this information to plan activities that interest and engage children. Staff speak to teachers when they collect children and pass on any messages from school to parents.

This helps to ensure continuity between school and the club.Parents speak very highly of staff and the service they offer. They welcome the feedback they receive about their child's time at the club.

Parents talk about how well staff care for their children. They say that children speak fondly about staff when at home.Staff benefit from regular supervision meetings that support them to continue to develop their practice.

They have good access to training to build on their knowledge and skills. All staff regularly complete 'Prevent' duty training. This helps them to identify individuals who are at risk of being drawn into extreme views and beliefs.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are confident in their knowledge of identifying the signs of abuse and the procedures to follow should they have a concern about a child's welfare. They know to report any concerns they have immediately and understand their responsibilities to help protect children from harm.

Staff's strong relationships with children help them to recognise any changes in behaviour which may cause concern. The provider ensures staff's safeguarding knowledge is embedded and stays current. The club has robust procedures to help make sure that children are only collected by persons with parental permission to do so.

Also at this postcode
Park Street Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

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