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About Club St Michael’s
Club St Michael’s
St. Michaels C E Primary School, Brigadier Hill, Enfield, EN2 0NB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff work closely as a team to provide children with a range of activities that are interesting and enjoyable. They form strong bonds with children and are excellent role models. Staff's passion and enthusiasm are at the heart of the club.
Staff support the mental and emotional well-being of the children in their care. For example, at circle time, children think about how each one of them is unique. They talk about respecting each other and their feelings.
Children respond positively to the high expectations staff have for their behaviour. They remember their 'golden rules' and are proud of them. Children are polite. ... They eagerly chat to their friends and help and support each other during activities. For instance, children show each other how to draw stars and diamonds when decorating lanterns. Children learn how to keep themselves safe and well.
For example, they remember in cold weather that they need to wear hats when they go outside. Children wash their hands when they arrive at the club and before they eat. Staff create strategies to keep children safe as they move around the building.
Children behave well and are safe and happy at the club.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children say they enjoy attending the club. They find different words to describe what they think, saying the club is 'fantastic, interesting' and 'fun'.
Children happily talk about what they like to do at the club. They comment that they like the craft activities, dressing up and outside play.Staff provide activities which support children in taking risks while learning to keep themselves, and others, safe.
For example, children play games where they need to think about where they are running, so they do not bump into each other. They become out of breath. Children's physical health and well-being are supported.
Children learn resilience and how to be pleased about the achievements of others. They happily clap the last children who remain in a game where some stay 'in' and others go 'out'. Children develop social skills which will support them in their later lives.
The provider supports staff in developing their skills and knowledge. Staff say they benefit from regular supervision sessions and training, which they use during their work. For instance, they highlight how training has deepened their understanding of how to keep children safe.
Parents praise staff and say they are happy with the service provided for their children. The provider and staff create positive partnerships with parents. The provider reflects on how to strengthen those partnerships even further.
He is currently focusing on working with the school to develop ways in which parents can visit the club, so that staff and families can get to know each other even better.Staff and the provider understand that not all children have the same advantages. They provide resources and activities which children may not be able to access outside of the club.
Children have time to complete homework if they wish to.Staff are skilled at supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They support all children in accessing the club.
Staff provide one-to-one support for children who may find it more difficult to join in group activities. They make sure that children do not miss out on the chance to play and form friendships.Children benefit from opportunities to develop what they learn at school.
Staff support children, for instance, in thinking about how different sounds make up words. Children build on skills which will support them in their later learning. The provider acknowledges, however, there is scope to provide a quiet place where children can sit, or read, if they wish to rest.
Staff are bubbly and fun. They enjoy joining in with children's play, when invited. Children giggle with delight as staff dress up with them.
They put on humorous voices, different coloured wigs and hats and then form a procession around the room.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their duty to keep children safe.
They carry out regular risk assessments and remove any hazards they identify. Staff carefully record when children arrive at, and leave, the club. They are able to recognise the signs which may cause them concern about the welfare of a child attending the club.
There are clear procedures in place to record and report such concerns. Staff are clear in how to report concerns they may have about other professionals. The provider carries out relevant checks to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.