Clubland @ Royal Kent

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About Clubland @ Royal Kent

Name Clubland @ Royal Kent
Address Royal Kent (C of E) First & Middle School, Oakshade Road, Oxshott, LEATHERHEAD, Surrey, KT22 0LE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children receive a warm and friendly welcome from staff, who collect them from their classrooms at the end of the school day. Staff have systems in place to ensure older children walk safely to the club, which is situated within the school grounds. For example, they take a register and ensure all children are present.

Children are relaxed and settled at this fun club, enabling them to form positive friendships. They thoroughly enjoy the company of the staff who care for them and they enjoy playing card games together. Staff ensure children feel valued and included.

For example, older children are encouraged to help their y...ounger peers and look after them. Staff praise the care shown by the older children towards the younger ones.Children can ask for specific activities, which develops their confidence in following their own ideas for learning.

The club uses children's interests to plan a wide range of experiences. For example, there are opportunities for children to participate in arts and crafts activities. Children can also access activities to develop their physical skills.

They have daily opportunities for fresh air and to safely play on the host school playground. Children choose from a variety of equipment. For example, they play group games such as football or use the climbing equipment to develop their large muscles.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children enjoy the time they spend at this after-school club. They remain thoroughly engaged in play; laughing and sharing jokes with their friends and staff. Children are excited to arrive and immediately follow the well-established routines.

For example, they place their bags and belongings away safely, and choose to play at an activity.Staff are highly knowledgeable about individual children and their specific needs. They use this information when planning activities that children will enjoy and support their interests.

For example, staff know younger children enjoy drawing and will plan this as an activity for when they arrive to help settle children.Children behave well in the after-school club. They are kind and respectful towards their friends and adults, and always demonstrate good manners.

Staff promote these positive behaviours well with consistent strategies. They provide children with an abundance of praise and are swift to remind children of the setting rules, where necessary. However, staff do not always offer an explanation about unwanted behaviour, or about the reason for the rules.

This limits children's understanding of the impact of these behaviours on themselves and others around them.Staff form close, respectful relationships with parents and carers. They are available to discuss children's time at school and the club on collection.

Parents are very happy with the service the club provides. They like the range of activities on offer, and feel their children are safe and well cared for while at the club.Relationships with the host school are strong.

The provider and school leaders communicate well with one another, creating a collaborative approach to supporting children's care and well-being.Staff follow procedures to keep children safe. For example, password systems ensure children leave the club safely.

However, children's understanding of keeping themselves safe is not always consistently promoted. For instance, staff have not considered ways to teach children about online safety or the healthy use of computer screens. This means that children are not learning about the potential impact of choices they make with technology.

The provider has a robust recruitment process in place to ensure all staff are suitable to work with children. They regularly evaluate procedures and make changes to improve their practice. This includes developing the interview process, and completing employment checks to ensure they are thorough and effective to keep children safe.

Staff receive regular supervision and support from the provider. These opportunities help staff evaluate their practice and set goals for future development. There is a clear pathway for personal development in place and opportunities for staff to develop their knowledge and skills.

This helps to boost staff morale and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
The Royal Kent CofE Primary School

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