Colourbox Childcare Nursery

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About Colourbox Childcare Nursery

Name Colourbox Childcare Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 385 Ivydale Road, London, SE15 3ED
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are safe and happy at this intimate, home-from-home setting. They settle quickly into the daily routine when they arrive in the morning. Babies and older children form close attachments with the kind and caring staff.

This helps children to feel secure. Children are excited about choosing from a range of activities. For instance, young children draw using different crayons, pens and pencils.

Staff have high expectations for all children. Children show respect towards their friends. During imaginative play in the role-play kitchen, older children respond with kindness and gentleness towards babies.

Chi...ldren's behaviour is good.Children have lots of opportunities to access fresh air and thrive in the inspiring garden. For example, older children enjoy exploring what has been added to the imaginative 'fairy garden'.

Babies and toddlers confidently move around using different types of bikes and trikes. Staff support children to have a sense of awe and wonder about the world around them. Children are inquisitive and active learners.

They love watching bubbles of different sizes form in the air and then disappear. Children have a can-do attitude. For instance, toddlers patiently work together to complete puzzles.

Babies enjoy reaching for brightly coloured sensory bottles.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children know the routines well. For instance, they wash their hands when they come in from outside at lunchtime.

However, good hygiene practice is not consistent. For example, staff do not consider their hygiene routines when preparing fruit. They do not clean the tables before snack times.

In addition, staff do not always wash their hands after wiping children's noses.The ambitious manager provides a broad and varied curriculum. Staff support children's learning and development through adult-led and child-initiated play.

However, staff do not always extend opportunities for the most able children to develop their independence and raise their achievements even more.Staff know children well. The manager considers how to use any additional funding to promote children's well-being and learning.

For example, staff attend training and create story sacks. This helps to develop children's concentration and builds on their communication and language skills.Children behave well.

They listen and follow instructions during daily routines. For instance, children help to tidy up to get ready for circle time. They enjoy listening to stories and are eager to recall previous events.

Children are proud of their artwork, and staff use this as a point of reference. This helps to build on their vocabulary.Partnerships with parents are good.

Parents speak very highly about the staff. They feel well informed about their children's achievements. Information is shared with parents on a daily basis, and parents often give feedback using the parent online application.

Parents feel that their children are very happy at the setting.Staff support children's early mathematical skills successfully. For example, they display numbers and utensils in the garden for children to count when they use the mud kitchen.

Young children listen to their favourite stories and join in with songs and rhymes. Older children count out how many more bricks they need to add to their pretend cakes. All children, including those who receive additional funding, make good progress from their starting points.

Children develop their awareness of healthy living. They learn about the life cycle of plants and living things. They regularly bring things from home for the compost bin.

Older children plant carrot seeds. Staff provide children with healthy snacks and meals.The manager has a clear vision for the setting and strives for continuous improvement.

She works closely with staff and other professionals to reflect on their practice and evaluate the provision. For instance, they invite representatives from the local authority to attend the setting and provide feedback. Staff feel well supported and access training to further enhance their practice.

This helps to drive improvements forward.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding and child protection issues.

All staff complete safeguarding training and keep their training up to date. They are aware of the procedures to follow should there be any concerns regarding a child's welfare. Staff have a clear understanding of what to do if an allegation is made against them or a member of staff.

Staff continually review the nursery environment to make sure it is always safe and secure. For instance, staff wipe down all the wet toys outdoors to ensure they are not slippery for children to use.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: further improve hygiene procedures to maximise children's well-being at all times review activities planned to ensure more-able children have the best possible opportunities to be more independent and ready for school.

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