Come And Play Childcare

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About Come And Play Childcare

Name Come And Play Childcare
Address Manor Park Primary School, Greyhound Road, Sutton, SM1 4AW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sutton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The provider and leaders are passionate and ambitious. Children beam with excitement as they greet staff when being collected at the end of the school day.

The club is a warm and welcoming environment, where children show they feel content and safe. Staff plan exciting activities to build on children's interests. There is an excellent balance of adult-led and free-play activities.

Children have plenty of opportunities to develop their gross motor skills and engage in energetic outdoor play. They enjoy playing with skipping ropes, frisbees, hula hoops and ball games.Children's behaviour is exemplary.

They are kind ...and considerate towards each other. Staff are excellent role models for children. Children share resources, take turns and respect the feelings of others.

Children are aware of, and follow, the club rules. Staff provide structured and age-appropriate routines. For example, staff signal new activities by shaking a tambourine to remind them to help tidy up.

Parents value the bonds that staff have with children. Parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), say that the club is inclusive. Staff share feedback with parents on a daily basis.

Leaders and managers listen to parents. They use feedback from questionnaires to improve induction processes and ensure that parents are clear about club news and events.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff consider children's individual needs and interests.

They use information from parents to plan activities about different festivals from other cultures. Staff work together on a weekly basis to share information and plan for the following week. Children like to express their ideas as they draw and talk about their experiences, for example, explaining, 'Fireworks make lots of loud noises, I can hear it outside when I am at home'.

Staff ensure children can select books for themselves, which children enjoy sharing with their friends. They enjoy reading on their own when they want to relax. Staff spend time talking to children as they play, which helps children feel valued.

Staff encourage children to use a range of equipment. They model different ways to use it, so that children are keen to have a go. For example, children feel pride as they twirl a hula hoop around their arm, exclaiming, 'Look! I can do it'.

They develop good personal, social and emotional skills and have secure bonds with staff.Children enjoy a selection of healthy foods, with salads for their snack. Staff are aware of children's allergies and dietary needs and ensure these are met.

Children wash their hands before eating and explain why they need to do so. For example, 'We wash our hands to get rid of germs, and sometimes use hand sanitiser'.Children with SEND settle in well, feel happy at club and enjoy interacting with their peers.

Staff support them to develop self-care skills and independence. Staff work with school teachers. They share information to ensure there is continuity of care.

Yet procedures and strategies to support children with SEND could be further developed to ensure children make the best possible progress.Staff receive guidance and support from their leaders and managers. They put in place and follow policies and procedures, to ensure the club runs well.

Leaders provide staff with supervision sessions and appraisals to reflect on their practice. Staff are keen to improve and develop. They agree programmes of professional development to enhance their knowledge and expertise.

This creates a team of happy staff, who talk about how much they enjoy their work.Staff work well with parents, who are very happy with the club. They speak highly of the staff and feel happy with how their children have settled.

Parents say how much their children enjoy coming to the club. They say children with English as an additional language make exceptional gains in their speaking and understanding.The premises is secure so that children cannot leave unsupervised and unexpected visitors cannot gain access.

Children and staff wear high-visibility jackets when outside so that they are easily identified as belonging to the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff know that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and know what action to take if they have any concerns.

Staff complete safeguarding training to help them identify when a child may be at risk of harm or abuse. Staff are confident about the procedures to follow. Leaders have effective systems in place to ensure staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff talk to children about risks and hazards as the play. They help them make positive choices to keep themselves safe. Children talk confidently about keeping themselves safe and are aware of online safety.

Also at this postcode
Manor Park Primary Academy

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