Cookies Link Club

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About Cookies Link Club

Name Cookies Link Club
Address Tim Parry Community Centre, Wroxham Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 3NR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Warrington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the well-organised club with purpose and excitement. They know to store their bags and coats at their base table which helps them to feel a sense of belonging.

Children chat with their friends or seek out staff, who check on how their day has been. This supports children's well-being. Children are content and show they are at ease as they interact with each other and the long-standing staff team.

Staff are genuine and warm towards children. They are good role-models as they help children to develop respectful relationships with one another.Staff provide children with a range of good-quality resources tha...t they can independently access.

They ensure resources provided support children's interests and provide activities that complement children's learning at school. Children are able to enjoy the time to socialise and relax after a busy day.Older children carry out tasks to help with the day to day running of the club.

They are allocated a 'buddy' child who they help to settle in. As a result, children are supported to develop thoughtful and positive behaviours. They enjoy the satisfaction of making a positive contribution and taking responsibility.

Younger children know which older child they can go to for help. They benefit from being able to interact with different age groups to develop their social skills. Children tell the inspector that they feel safe.

They know that, although occurrences are rare, the staff will always address unkind behaviour.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff work closely with the feeder school. They seek and share information to help them support children's well-being while at the club.

Staff accommodate children's participation in activities held at the school. They provide additional pick-ups after these take place. This enables children to benefit from these additional learning opportunities after school and not miss out on attending the club.

This supports continuity of care and strong partnership working.Children's views are listened to. They complete surveys that indicate to staff what they like and dislike about the club.

For example, older children say they enjoy the opportunity to safely access the public park. Younger children are able to suggest games they would like to play. Staff act on the feedback from children.

Children engage well and know that their interests and ideas help to shape the organisation of the club.Children's behaviour is good. Older children are given additional responsibilities.

For example, they ask the wider group for their drink and snack preferences and help to prepare snacks. With parental permission in place and careful risk assessment from leaders, the oldest children are able to walk to school unsupervised. Children develop appropriate levels of independence skills for their age.

Snack time is a social opportunity. While children eat they share their stories and opinion's with each other. Children and staff choose a word or phrase of the day.

This helps to promote conversation and discussion. Children benefit from these structured opportunities to practise communication and listening skills.Strong partnerships with parents are established from the very beginning.

Parents comment that they see the staff as 'an extension of their family'. They praise the way that staff accommodate and value children's interests and preferences. Parents comment that their children happily attend club and care is seamless between the club and the school.

Children are able to spend time each session outdoors. Staff provide a range of physical play equipment such as stilts, bats, balls and ribbon streamers. Children enjoy throwing and catching balls with staff who join in the games and enjoy the fun.

They are able to be physically active and enjoy the fresh air. This contributes well to them feeling relaxed, which helps them to wind down after school.During each session, staff provide an activity that complements learning in school in a relaxed way.

For example, children discuss various landmarks around the world. They look at images of the landmarks and are able to colour in pictures to put on display. Staff show children where in the world the landmark is.

They carefully plan this activity knowing that children have varied experiences of the world. Staff ensure their planning is inclusive of different children's ages, experiences and prior knowledge.Staff complete required training such as paediatric first-aid, safeguarding and food hygiene.

The team know their roles and responsibilities. They share ideas informally to help to organise the club. Overall, leaders support staff to feel confident in their roles.

However, leaders do not give staff specific coaching and feedback on their practice to help them to continually develop their skills and knowledge.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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