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About Cool After School Club
Cool After School Club
St. Vincent de Paul RC Primary School, Bedwell Crescent, STEVENAGE, Hertfordshire, SG1 1NJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are excited as they arrive at this stimulating and nurturing club.
The enthusiastic staff greet them warmly, and children are keen to chat to them about their day at school. The environment truly reflects children's interests and they quickly become engrossed in their play. Children eagerly select their favourite board games and welcome staff joining them.
Staff's effective use of questioning helps children to continue building on the skills they learn in and out of school. This motivates children to position picture cards on a board that represents the time of routines throughout the day.Children thoroughly enjoy... their time outdoors and benefit from fresh air before it becomes dark.
Older children are positive role models. They are keen to teach younger children new skills, such as how to catch a small ball in a cone. Children demonstrate exceptionally high levels of confidence.
They welcome visitors to their club, are eager for them to join in the activities, and share a special photograph book with them. Children immerse themselves in many creative activities, for example, using coloured pens to create a design on a wooden keyring. They relax and enjoy sharing stories and books in the cosy area.
The 'germ junction' is a dedicated area that children use to follow good hygiene practices. Children say that they 'enjoy coming to the club,' and that staff are 'nice and friendly'.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff establish very close bonds with children as soon as they begin attending.
Children in the early years are assigned a key person to support their well-being and development. Staff have a deep knowledge of the children in their care. They ensure that activities consistently meet children's interests and children thoroughly enjoy staff's interaction in their play.
The manager and staff team are passionate about the club being a fun and inclusive environment. They place a strong emphasis on ensuring that children are at the heart of everything they do. The staff team work exceptionally well together.
They deploy themselves in different areas of the club so that children can make independent decisions about where they would like to play and when they would like to eat. Teatime is a very sociable experience. Children and staff sit together and engage in meaningful conversations that enhance children's understanding of healthy food choices and the importance of good oral health.
Children behave very well. They help to devise the rules of the club, which they follow respectfully. This helps them to have ownership of their behaviour.
Staff provide children with regular praise and reward them with a personalised star to put on the 'star of the week' display. Children of all ages play harmoniously together. They are responsible individuals.
For example, they sing together as they roll up a rug to make space for a team game indoors.Staff frequently support children to recognise their own emotions. Therefore, children freely express how they feel.
Staff help children to understand why they feel this way and how their feelings may change throughout the day. This effectively supports children's emotional well-being.The club is a valued part of the school community.
Staff have strong professional relationships with children's teachers. They regularly communicate to gather essential information about children's time at school. This enables them to continue to meet their care needs and identify when children have had a difficult day or experienced changes in their lives, so they can continue to offer additional support.
Parents speak highly of staff and the high-quality care they provide. They feel that staff know their children exceptionally well. They particularly welcome the high levels of communication they receive and comment that their children are very keen to attend.
They describe the staff as 'very warm and friendly'.The experienced and ambitious manager conducts regular supervision meetings with all staff to identify areas for development. Staff complete regular training to build on their practice.
They share their new knowledge with all staff, so that there is a unified approach to new initiatives.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff complete appropriate safeguarding training regularly and have a good understanding of what to do if they have a concern about a child's welfare or a colleague's conduct.
They are clear about the correct action to take. The recruitment process is robust to check staff are suitable to work with children. The manager also conducts regular checks to verify their ongoing suitability.
Staff carry out risk assessments to help minimise any hazards in the environment. Staff complete regular headcounts of children when playing in the extensive outdoor area, so children are always accounted for. The premises are secure so that children cannot leave unsupervised and unexpected visitors cannot gain access.