Cool Kids Zone Out Of School Club

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About Cool Kids Zone Out Of School Club

Name Cool Kids Zone Out Of School Club
Address Tarleton Holy Trinity C Of E Primary School, Church Road, Tarleton, Preston, PR4 6UP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are well settled in this provision. They have strong relationships with the staff team and their peers. Children show delight and excitement when arriving and participating in activities.

Conversations flow and are extremely animated between children and the staff team. This shows a strong sense of belonging. Staff support children in developing their growing independence and confidence.

They offer choice and encourage them to select resources and choose snacks. Children have access to a large outdoor playground. It is fully equipped with fixed activities and space for physical play.

Staff ensure children... are well supervised which supports their safety. Children relish the opportunity to venture out in the dark to experience night play. Staff give clear instructions and boundaries to aid their enjoyment.

The strong links with the host school are evident. Children help school staff in preparing for the Christmas Fayre. They talk eagerly about what they have done throughout their day and their plans for the weekend.

On occasions, the main room can get busy with school staff, but this is managed appropriately.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team has developed policies, procedures and practices following the last inspection and made very positive changes. This has shown commitment, and a desire to provide the best care possible for children attending their provision.

Staff receive regular supervisions and appraisals to monitor their performance and support their professional development. Self-evaluation is continuous to allow further improvements to be made.Children have a wealth of accessible resources to choose from and they play well together.

They show respect for their resources and environment and look after them well. Children clear away items they are no longer playing with and ensure floors are kept free from hazards. This shows an embedded routine and consideration for the golden rules of the provision.

Parent partnerships are strong. Daily discussions take place with parents to ensure they are fully informed of their child's time at the provision. Parents are extremely complimentary of the staff and are fully aware of how to raise any concerns should they wish to.

They share their pleasure and confidence at having a safe and secure environment for their children to be cared in while they are at work.Staff are skilful at supporting children's individual needs and interests. They listen carefully to their requests and cleverly expand on their conversations.

Staff ask questions that allow children to use their imaginations and extend their play. For example, younger children are asked about the dinosaurs they are playing with and the foods they may like to eat. Additional resources to represent foods are placed close by to support the development of ideas.

Older children are given plenty of opportunity to share their thoughts and expand their ideas.The staff team enjoy providing an exciting and stimulating environment for children to play in. They gather important information from parents and school staff to establish what a child likes to do and what interests them prior to them starting at the provision.

This helps staff to create an atmosphere where children feel welcome and part of the group from the onset.Children's behaviour is impeccable. They are respectful and polite.

Children take turns in their play, they welcome the comments of their peers for their creations and offer each other support. Staff support this effectively and congratulate children on their behaviour and compassion for others. This helps children to be considerate and thoughtful.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are fully aware of how to protect children in their care from harm. They are clear on the signs and indicators of abuse and neglect.

Staff have recently updated their knowledge and have a greater understanding about the more complex issues children may face, such as e-bullying and radicalisation. Staff work closely with their host school to support children in their understanding of how to keep themselves safe. The management team has updated policies and procedures to ensure a robust recruitment procedure is in place and that there is consistent monitoring of staff suitability.

Also at this postcode
Tarleton Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

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