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About Cool Stars
Cool Stars
Lowton St. Marys C of E School, Newton Road, Lowton, WARRINGTON, WA3 1EW
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements After a busy day at school, staff collect children from their classroom. Children bound into the club, which immediately shows that they feel secure, safe and happy.
Staff provide an environment in the club that is calm and organised. This helps the children feel relaxed after a productive day at school. Staff talk to the children about their day and engage in long conversations about what interests them.
Staff are excellent listeners, which helps children to feel at ease, and talk and communicate with others well. Staff have established warm and caring relationships with children and their parents. Children self-select wh...at they wish to play with from the appealing and varied resources.
They concentrate well as they build intricate models with construction bricks and set up a 'military base' with aeroplanes, tanks and trucks.Those children who are collected from the club earlier say that they want their parents to let them stay longer because the staff are 'super friendly' and there is 'so much to do and play with'. Children's behaviour is very good.
They know the rules well and effortlessly follow them. Children are polite and offer to carry out helpful tasks, which demonstrates they are considerate. For example, without prompting, they tidy up after snack and say 'that was lovely'.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff listen to and include the children's views in the running of the club. This encourages children to feel a sense of belonging. For example, children are asked for a 'shopping list' of resources they would like in their club.
In response to this list, staff have recently purchased pirate resources. Children are looking forward to a chess set that they have recently added to the 'shopping list'.During each session, staff offer craft-based activities.
They demonstrate how to make things, which encourages children to have a go themselves and explore their creativity. Children confidently talk about their favourite craft activities from previous sessions such as bracelets made with elastic bands and pom poms.The club adopts the link school's rules and values to ensure a consistent approach in children's care.
Staff work with class teachers and incorporate fun activities linked to what children are learning in school.The provider, who regularly visits the club, considers the needs of all the staff. She supports staff to complete regular training in food hygiene and safeguarding children to ensure their knowledge is kept up to date.
She provides regular opportunities for staff to discuss their own well-being and their role at the club.Staff use their own interests and skills to enhance children's experiences at the club effectively. For example, a staff member has introduced wellness and relaxation sessions through yoga classes.
This helps children to develop a good sense of well-being and a positive attitude to the day ahead.Children have many opportunities to develop their physical skills in the extremely well-resourced and secure outdoor space. Staff supervise them meticulously and provide appropriate support, when needed.
Staff offer children a range of healthy snacks, such as fruit and wraps, which take account of children's special dietary requirements and allergies. Children come together as a group for snack time. Staff encourage good hygiene procedures.
As a result, children learn why it is important to wash their hands regularly.All staff routinely evaluate the experiences that are provided for the children at the club. They reflect on practice and strive to provide excellent play and learning opportunities that are fun and engaging.
Parents say that their children never want to go home when they attend the club, commenting that they ask to go more often. Parents comment that their children always come home with new things that they have made and talk about what they have played with. They appreciate how calm and organised the club is.
Parents say that the staff know the children very well and treat them 'like family'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.