Crackerjacks Out of School Club

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About Crackerjacks Out of School Club

Name Crackerjacks Out of School Club
Address Grosvenor Road Primary School, Parkgate Drive, Swinton, Manchester, M27 5LN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Salford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are greeted at their classrooms by friendly staff.

They excitedly enter the club and confidently talk about their day at school. All children become highly engaged in the activities that have been provided for them. They beam with pride as they show off their 'latest craft creations'.

Children are extremely confident and self-assured. All children have a sense of ownership of the club. They are regularly consulted about the activities that are provided and the expectations of the club.

They behave exceptionally well and talk about the importance of following rules. They tell visitors that these are in pla...ce to keep them safe. Children share and take turns with each other, supported by the nurturing, calm staff.

They show great care of the resources as they tidy them away before getting out different games. Children confidently communicate their views and share their experiences of the club. They describe it as 'fun'.

They independently select activities of their choosing and invite other children to join in with them. Children interact well together as they play hide and seek or use the outdoor space to hunt for bugs. They problem solve as a group when considering appropriate habitats for caterpillars and spiders.

Children show high levels of respect for each other and living things.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff place a great emphasis on promoting children's social and emotional development. Early years children have a named key person who knows them well and supports them to feel secure.

These adults ensure children's interests are reflected in the activities that are provided. Staff are extremely responsive to children's needs and enthusiastically join in with their games. Children build strong bonds with each other and with staff.

Children benefit from many opportunities to be physically active. They take on challenges such as skipping with large ropes. They talk excitedly about how many jumps they can achieve.

Children show good coordination as they run and tackle in football matches. They squeeze into tight spaces as they disguise themselves during a game of hide and seek. Children's physical development is supported well.

Children are provided with a range of healthy food that meets their dietary needs. They enjoy fruit and take on the tricky task of peeling tangerines. They independently make their own wraps and choose what filling they would like.

Children know to wash their hands before mealtimes and staff also model this well. They regularly drink water throughout the afternoon and are reminded to keep hydrated by staff after they take part in physical activities, such as football.This helps children to learn about healthy lifestyle choices.

Relationships with parents are particularly strong at this club. Parents praise the 'brilliant staff' and the well-resourced environment. They say their children are extremely happy at the club and have developed very close bonds with the staff.

Children have built relationships with those from other year groups since starting. Parents are extremely happy with the service provided.Staff know the children and families well and encourage them to talk about their own culture.

For example, children independently make flags from around the world during a craft session. They ensure these represent the countries where all children and staff were born. They show them off proudly and state, 'this one is mine'.

They find sticks outside to make the flag poles. Children gain a good understanding of what makes them unique.Leaders ensure all staff are well supported.

They receive a robust induction to enable them to become familiar with their roles and responsibilities. Staff are highly qualified and leaders are committed to providing opportunities for them to access further training opportunities as well as prioritising their well-being. Staff talk about the positive impact this support has on their practice.

Partnerships with the host school are strong. Staff have good relationships with the teachers to support them to build on children's skills and knowledge. For example, they talk to staff each day as they collect the children and are aware of the topics that are being explored in school.

This supports consistency for children's learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff attend regular training to keep their safeguarding knowledge up to date.

Recently, they have learned about the signs that someone may be being criminally exploited and the procedures to follow. Staff are aware of the steps to take if they have a concern about a child's welfare or the behaviour of a staff member or manager. Staff maintain a safe and secure environment for the children.

They support children to look for hazards in the environment. Children remind their friends about these safety messages, such as not to swing on chairs as they may fall and hurt themselves. Children also know the importance of maintaining a register in case of a fire.

Also at this postcode
Grosvenor Road Primary School

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