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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy attending the club and spending time with staff, who are nurturing, warm and kind. Staff know children well and recognise when they may need extra help with their well-being. For instance, staff identify that some children need a quiet space to rest after their school day.
In response, they provide cosy quiet areas where children can relax. Staff respond sensitively to children who are feeling apprehensive about end of term transitions, such as changing class. Staff take extra time to speak with children individually, acknowledging their concerns and offering reassurance.
Staff check that children... know who they can talk to, should they have worries outside of club opening hours. This helps children feel safe and secure.Children behave well.
Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and develop strategies, such as reward systems, to encourage children to try their best. For instance, upon arrival, children place their names onto a rainbow display, representing good behaviour. Staff recognise when children follow the rules, providing praise and supporting those who may need reminders.
At the end of the session, staff and children review how many names remain on the rainbow. Staff then add the corresponding number of pom-poms into a jar. Children excitedly check the jar to see how close they are at achieving their target and deciding on a special activity as a reward.
This helps children take accountability for their actions.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff benefit from a robust and thorough induction, which helps to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to fulfil their role. The manager observes staff interactions regularly and feeds this through to staff supervision.
This enables the manager to identify and action potential gaps in staff's knowledge. For example, recent observations and discussions with staff highlighted a need for additional support in promoting children's positive behaviour. This led to additional training and the implementation of new strategies.
This has a positive impact on staff confidence, consistency, and children's positive behaviour.Staff carefully consider children's views and emerging interests when planning resources and activities. For example, during a recent feedback session, children voiced their desire to develop their culinary skills.
Cookery is now a regular feature on the planning. Children talk with enthusiasm as they share recent recipes with the inspector, including 'survivors' casserole'. This helps children enjoy their time at the club while learning new skills.
Children have lots of opportunities to be active. Staff provide children with a wide range of resources and activities that promote their physical development. For instance, children develop their coordination and strength as they engage in archery, table tennis, and football.
Children regularly exert themselves in the outdoor environment, where they run and engage in competitive sports. This helps children enhance the skills that supports their education.Staff promote children's health and safety during their time at the club.
Children have access to a wide range of healthy snacks, which they help prepare. Children learn the importance of washing their hands before food preparation and gain an understanding of why this is important in keeping themselves safe from cross contamination. Children learn to handle sharp items, such as knives, with care.
For example, staff help them remember to 'tuck', their fingers away and slice outwards from their bodies, as they cut fruits and vegetables. This helps children learn about risk.Children enjoy their time catching up with friends from school, as well as developing new friendships with children they may not have otherwise had the pleasure of meeting.
Children work collaboratively during team games, providing each other with encouragement, as their teammate takes possession of the ball during a friendly game of football. Children recognise and celebrate each other's strengths. For instance, younger children gravitate to older children to learn new skills, such as creating bracelets from joining elastic bands together.
Older children show patience and kindness, as they repeat the steps until younger children create a string of elastic with success. This helps children develop good attitudes and friendships.Partnership working is effective.
Staff work successfully with the on-site school. They create a two-way flow of information to promote the meeting of children's individual needs and welfare. Parents receive a face-to-face daily handover, sharing information in regards to activities, well-being and messages from school.
This helps to promote consistency for children throughout their day.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.