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The Croft Nursery School, The Croft, 102 Lancaster Road, NEWCASTLE, Staffordshire, ST5 1DS
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children are at the heart of this outstanding nursery. They are incredibly happy and confident.
Staff are extremely kind and exceedingly passionate about the children in their care. New children settle extremely quickly and form close bonds with staff. Children are safe, emotionally secure and able to learn from all the many rich experiences on offer.
For example, children use their whole bodies to move to music, using a range of materials to swirl and twirl. Children energetically use a range of musical instruments to create sounds. They experience an abundance of opportunities to hear and engage in conversatio...ns, develop their love of reading, sing songs and take part in musical activities.
The sound of laughter resonates throughout the nursery. Staff are excellent role models for children. They consistently show children how to be respectful of others and model excellent ways of communicating with each other.
Children are confident, articulate communicators who are very well prepared for the next stage in their learning. Staff carefully consider what they want babies and young children to learn, and this is reflected in how they communicate with them. As a result, babies and young children are surrounded by an abundance of quality interactions provided by staff to support their all-round development.
Children's behaviour is exemplary. They show incredibly high levels of patience, tolerance and respect for others. Staff recognise that emotional security provides the foundations for future learning.
For example, staff support children who are new to the setting extremely well, and their emotional development is a key priority.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have created an ambitious and rich curriculum which embeds children's starting points and their interests together. Children are challenged by the inspiring learning experiences that staff provide which progressively broaden children's knowledge exceptionally well.
The children's voice is at the centre of the curriculum. Staff actively listen to the children as they talk and respond to their wishes.All children are making excellent progress, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) demonstrates extensive knowledge of supporting children with SEND. The SENCo is extremely enthusiastic and works in partnership with parents and specialist outside agencies to seek the additional specialist support children may need.Staff listen carefully to what children say.
They observe children and accurately assess what they can do. They are skilful and timely in their interventions and know when to step in and support children's learning and when to observe from a distance. Staff give children time and space to problem-solve and think critically in order for them to develop independence in their learning and personal self-help skills.
Children thoroughly enjoy practising and developing a wide range of physical skills, including balancing, dancing and jumping, indoors and outside. They relish the opportunities to participate in planting seeds and grow flowers and vegetables in the nursery garden. Parents and children eagerly engage in caring for the sunflower seeds the children have planted and recording their growth at home.
Opportunities for mark making are abundant and visible throughout both the indoor and outdoor areas. Staff understand that children's large arm movements help them to develop their muscles and control to support early writing skills. Older children delight in showing staff and visitors their pictures and writing they have created, which are proudly displayed around the rooms or in their special books.
Children who speak English as an additional language develop their understanding of the English language quickly. Staff use key vocabulary from children's home language to enhance their acquisition of English. Staff and children embrace the celebrations of various cultures and religious events, embedding a deep and meaningful respect for the diversity of all people.
Partnership with parents is exceptional. Parents talk repeatedly about the excellent quality of communication they receive, linked to their child's progress, along with the ideas given to extend learning at home. Time is taken during the settling-in process to listen to parents about what their children can already do and any specific care that needs to be met.
Managers are wholly committed to professional development and training for all staff. Staff who work with babies have specific training to help provide the youngest children with the best possible care. All staff are clearly happy in their roles, form a strong bond with each other and are a close-knit team.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is a strong culture of safeguarding throughout the nursery which seeks to eliminate all risks of harm against the children. Staff have gained extensive knowledge of safeguarding matters to ensure children's safety is of the highest standard.
Managers review staff's safeguarding knowledge through regular questioning. Staff are extremely confident in reporting any safeguarding concerns, as well as their responsibility in relation to whistle-blowing should they have any concerns about adults who work with children. There are robust procedures to ensure the suitability of staff to work with children.