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About Crofters
Croft Centre, 20 Windham Road, RICHMOND, Surrey, TW9 2HP
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are extremely settled in the warm, comfortable and welcoming environment.
Staff are exceptionally caring and build strong relationships with all children. Staff provide a range of well-planned stimulating activities. Children have plenty of indoor and outdoor space to move freely from one activity to another.
They enthusiastically explore their surroundings with continuous support from the staff. Children enjoy their time in the sensory room where they can explore in a safe and supportive environment. For example, they enjoy touching objects projected on to the floor and waving a baton to change the music as they ...dance with their friends.
Children behave well and staff consistently reinforce the setting's expectations. Staff recognise and praise each small step in children's achievements. Children's individual needs are carefully considered and met effectively.
Staff are extremely receptive and responsive, and children feel safe and secure. The exceptional manager and staff are remarkably effective in working in partnership with parents and other professionals to identify and meet the diverse needs of children in their care. They continually build on their expert knowledge and skills to promote the best possible outcomes for children, including those with complex additional needs.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager and staff demonstrate an unquestionable commitment in meeting the complex welfare and emotional needs of all the children who attend the setting. Staff know the children exceptionally well and children receive one-to-one support, or more if needed. This means that they are consistently provided with outstanding care and support.
Staff have an exceptional approach to working with children. They show a wealth of knowledge, particularly in supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. This leads to a highly stimulating and nurturing environment.
Children's physical development is very well promoted. They enjoy the free-flow access to the outdoor space where they can have fun in the mud kitchen and explore the sensory garden. The indoor soft playroom provides children with exciting play experiences and the opportunity for active participation in an environment that is both safe and meets their individual needs.
Young children thrive in the excellent care of the staff who work with them. They thoroughly enjoy daily creative activities. For example, children enjoyed making Christmas biscuits and demonstrated high levels of confidence and self-esteem.
Staff place the highest focus on supporting children to develop strong friendships with one another.Children's behaviour is managed effectively and safely using the extensive systems in place. For example, children have individual care plans in place and receive one-to-one support from a dedicated staff team; this allows them to enjoy their time at the club and also be fully included in all activities and experiences that are offered.
Initial home visits, effective communication and high-quality sharing of information help to support an exceedingly positive approach to children's individual care. Staff are highly skilled in supporting children with multiple learning difficulties. They work closely with parents and other professionals, ensuring there is consistency between home, club and school.
Parents comments include that they feel 'reassured' and have 'peace of mind'.Managers continually review practice, identify training needs and provide high-quality professional development for staff. Training is specifically targeted to support the needs of the children.
For example, staff are trained to use sign language to improve the communication skills of all children.Children enjoy regular outings within the local community. For example, they visit local leisure centres and theatres.
This supports children's personal, social and emotional development, as they experience and learn how to integrate in a range of environments.Many children have a restricted diet, requiring that parents provide the main meals for their children. Staff are fully aware of children's complex dietary needs through detailed care plans and children's records.
Medical records are reviewed and checked on a regular basis with parents and other professionals. This ensures that high standards of care are maintained and children's good health is extensively promoted.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The manager makes sure that the well-being of every child is of highest importance. Staff are well trained in all aspects of safeguarding and get to know the children very well. Staff know the signs to look for that may indicate a welfare concern.
They know to report any concerns they have immediately. Children's safety and welfare are key parts of their individual plans. Safeguarding leaders work closely with parents and carers and, where appropriate, with external agencies to ensure that children receive the right level of support.