Crofton Early Learners

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About Crofton Early Learners

Name Crofton Early Learners
Ofsted Inspections
Address Crofton Baptist Church, 100 Crofton Lane, Orpington, Kent, BR5 1HD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children flourish in this highly stimulating environment. There is a wide range of toys and equipment from which children choose freely.

They display high levels of confidence as they move around the setting. Children play well together and concentrate for long periods without adult support. Children's differing needs are very well supported as the provider has given careful consideration to the organisation of the premises and routines.

Children feel safe and settled as they form strong attachments to practitioners. Children know how to keep themselves safe. This was shown when practitioners lit the candles on ...a birthday cake and children reminded each other not to touch them as they would burn their fingers.

Children learn to use mathematical skills in everyday situations. For example, at snack time they count accurately the number of cups needed on each table. Children develop a real love of books and reading.

They participate with great enthusiasm at story time and predict what will happen next. Children take part in meaningful activities which help them understand how to stay healthy. For example, a dental hygienist visited the setting and used a giant set of false teeth to show children how to brush their teeth.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are extremely helpful and well behaved. They work well together to tidy away toys at the end of the session. They help each other to lift larger items into storage boxes and explain to their friends how to sort the toys correctly.

Children take part enthusiastically in group conversations, listening to each other and contributing their ideas. Support for children's language and communication skills is exemplary. Practitioners use signs consistently to support children's understanding.

They make eye contact and wait until they have children's full attention. Practitioners speak clearly and allow children plenty of time to think and answer questions.Children display exceptional levels of independence.

They pour their own drinks at snack time, then collect the cups from each table and carry them carefully back to the kitchen on a tray.Children gain a firm understanding of communities different from their own. For example, they visited a local Chinese community to share Chinese New Year celebrations.

Children say 'hello' in different languages at registration time.Children enjoy a rich variety of activities. Leaders support practitioners to deliver a well-structured curriculum which builds upon what children know and can do.

Children learn about nature and the world around them through interesting practical activities. For example, they recently participated in a wildlife challenge organised by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.Practitioners know children very well and have high expectations for the achievement of all children.

They understand how children learn and use their expert knowledge to structure children's learning so that they make swift progress across all seven areas of learning.The partnership with parents is exceptional. Parents receive regular, informative newsletters about activities at the pre-school.

They have frequent opportunities to share information about their children's progress with staff. Parents' descriptions of the pre-school, typical of others, include that it is 'awesome' and 'amazing'. They say that the setting gives their children the best possible chance to succeed at school.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities make very strong progress. The special educational needs coordinator is highly knowledgeable and uses her expertise to work in partnership with parents, practitioners and other professionals.Leaders engage with staff effectively, and they quickly address any issues relating to their workload.

Highly effective performance management systems ensure that staff are well supported and happy in their roles. Leaders recently worked with the staff team to reduce paperwork. This has enabled staff to spend more time working directly with children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The setting is firmly committed to safeguarding children. The manager undertakes regular training and sits on the local safeguarding committee.

This ensures that she has a comprehensive understanding of safeguarding issues and is able to provide advice and support for the staff team. Practitioners understand the signs that a child might be at risk of harm and are confident about the action they should take. Robust procedures for the recruitment and vetting of staff ensure they are well prepared and suitable for their roles.

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