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About Cuba Kids Club
Cuba Kids Club
Waverley Primary School, Maple Close, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 7QZ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff ensure that children form close bonds with staff and their peers at the club.
Parents are able to visit the club with their child before they start. Information is sought from parents about their child's needs, what they like to do and what food they like to eat. This helps staff to meet children's needs when they start.
Children enjoy their time at the club and show that they are settled. They are cheerfully greeted by staff and choose what activities they would like to do. Children enjoy having conversations with staff as they recall what has happened in school that day, such as a magician visiting and having a rab...bit.
Staff help children to develop empathy for each other. At the start of the day, they encourage children to choose someone who is not their best friend. They ask them to think about and say something kind about that person.
As children leave for school, they are encouraged to see how many times they can say something kind that day. Staff provide activities and experiences where children learn to share. For example, children enjoy playing card games where they need to take turns.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider works well to ensure a consistent approach to all aspects of the service. They lead their team of staff with enthusiasm and value staff's individual skills and abilities. Staff performance is effectively monitored.
For example, the provider observes staff working with the children and holds termly appraisals with staff. This helps them to check staff's ongoing suitability to work with children.The provider and staff build and maintain positive partnerships with the teachers at the school where they run the club.
Valuable information is shared about children and staff continue the activities that have taken place in school. For example, the school has had parents in to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. Staff are continuing this by providing pictures of the Queen for children to colour in and cupcakes for children to ice and put on edible pictures of the Queen.
This provides continuity of learning for children.Children learn that they have similarities and differences to other people, and that diversity should be respected and celebrated. Staff promote equality well.
For example, they look at different festivals, such as Diwali. They include children's families, who are happy to share resources, such as clothes for children to dress up in. Children learn that the festival is about light, and they make their own candles.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, staff have put measures in place that include parents not coming into the club. Despite this, parents share that they feel the club is amazing. They say that staff do everything and anything to help the children feel at ease and comfortable, that staff have helped children to gain confidence and to socialise with other children.
Staff speak to parents at the school main entrance when they collect their children. They provide feedback on the activities children have taken part in and what children have enjoyed.Children enjoy taking part in a wide range of activities.
They particularly enjoy mark-making activities. For example, they use a white board, stencils, and lightboards, where they carefully follow the lines to draw a picture. These activities all help them to learn better pencil control.
The provider has robust recruitment procedures in place. They carry out suitability checks to make sure that new staff are suitable to work in the club. New staff have an induction where they learn about health and safety procedures and what is expected of them when working at the club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and staff have a good understanding of their role and responsibility in protecting children from harm. They describe the possible signs and symptoms that may indicate that a child is suffering from harm.
Staff understand the club's whistle-blowing policy if they have a concern about a member of staff. The provider ensures that all staff complete regular training to ensure that their knowledge and skills remain up to date. They check staff's understanding through quizzes, and they give them scenarios where they ask what staff would do if something happened in the club.