Curious Explorers Day Care and Pre-school

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About Curious Explorers Day Care and Pre-school

Name Curious Explorers Day Care and Pre-school
Ofsted Inspections
Address Curious Explorers, 194 Clarence Road, FLEET, Hampshire, GU51 3XP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and settled in this welcoming nursery.

They arrive each day with confidence and separate from their parents with ease. Leaders and staff take pride in their effective settling-in process, which fosters a strong sense of belonging from the outset. Consequently, children form secure and trusting relationships with staff and their designated key person.

The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to support and enhance children's communication and language development. For example, staff ensure that books are accessible indoors and outdoors. They use resources, such as these, to aid further discussion.
All children show a strong interest and a love of stories. As they read to children, staff working with babies skilfully introduce and model new vocabulary. Toddlers recall elements of stories with enthusiasm while participating in linked messy play activities.

Staff supporting pre-school children encourage them to predict what might happen next. They give children opportunities to re-enact stories in diverse ways.Staff hold high expectations for children's behaviour.

They talk to children about the golden rules at a level of their understanding and take time to explain reasons behind boundaries. Older children are delegated with small tasks, such as helping to set up the table at lunchtime, which fosters a sense of accountability. Staff celebrate their efforts and achievements with praise.

This boosts children's self-esteem and instils a strong sense of pride and accomplishment.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a clear curriculum that helps children to develop essential skills and knowledge. There is a sharp focus on children's emotional well-being.

Staff recognise the importance of strong attachments and children feeling emotionally secure as a foundation for successful play and learning.Staff regularly assess children's progress and quickly identify and act on any signs of developmental delay. For instance, children that require extra support, such as in their speech and language development, receive timely and targeted intervention.

The strong commitment to collaborative working with external professionals ensures that support is tailored effectively. This helps to close gaps in children's learning swiftly and successfully.Staff plan a variety of child-focused and adult-led learning experiences.

However, on occasion, particularly during adult-led group activities, some staff place a stronger focus on those children that are more vocal and confident to express their ideas. Therefore, those quieter children quickly lose interest and are not challenged to learn at the same level as their peers.Staff build on children's understanding of mathematical concepts effectively.

For example, they introduce the idea of number as babies excitedly knock down skittles. Toddlers use descriptive words, such as 'full' and 'heavy', as they fill up and carry buckets of sand. With support from staff, older children deepen their skills as they group objects and match them to written numbers.

Staff begin to promote personal hygiene practices. For example, they support children to wash their hands before mealtimes. However, on occasion, when children cough or sneeze, not all staff consistently remind children how to prevent the spread of germs to help avoid cross contamination.

Staff provide children with a range of experiences to learn about the local community. For instance, children enjoy visits to the library and the park. They delight in forest school sessions, where they learn how to take safe risks.

Staff encourage children to recall and talk about their experiences, which supports a sense of belonging at the setting.Staff actively support children in learning to respect others and resolve conflicts. Consequently, children develop their social skills and learn to manage their behaviour while interacting with others.

Children are kind and friendly towards their peers. Staff regularly praise them for sharing and being kind to their friends.Partnerships with parents are a key strength of the setting.

There is a constant two-way flow of communication, and staff take time each day to greet and welcome children and their families. This effective communication supports continuity in children's care and learning. Parents are extremely positive about how staff work with them.

Leaders regularly evaluate the nursery to make improvements. They provide opportunities for staff to access new learning and further their qualifications. Staff are confident in approaching the leadership team, and they feel that their well-being is valued.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen interactions to support all children to remain engaged and focused, particularly during adult-led group activities support staff in consistently guiding children to develop a secure understanding of good hygiene practices.

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