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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement The provider has high aims for all children and plans a curriculum that is tailored to promote individual children's progress from their starting points.
However, the implementation of planning is not fully effective to achieve these aims consistently for some children, who need support to catch up with their peers.Overall, most children are stimulated in their learning and busy and engaged. Staff provide regular opportunities for children to be active and to explore physical skills.
They show babies how to transfer natural materials, such as water and sand, between containers. Older children learn to use scissors safely ...during art and craft activities.Staff provide a caring environment in which children feel valued and settle well.
Children form close bonds with the staff and develop positive relationships with their peers. Staff encourage them to make choices and promote children's independence. Staff show them how to manage fasteners when they get their coats and shoes on in preparation to go outdoors.
Children happily contribute to routines, such as tidying up after play. They behave well and enjoy their time at the setting.Staff identify and promote young children's interest in exploring the use of technology.
Children learn about cause and effect, for example, as they press buttons and observe the lights and sounds.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has used self-evaluation effectively to meet the actions set in the previous inspection. However, some aspects of practice and provision are not fully embedded to meet the needs of all children consistently.
The provider works closely with professionals to identify next steps for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Children with SEND settle well and engage in activities of their interest with support from staff. However, some next steps in their learning are not implemented consistently to promote their engagement in small-group activities.
The provider does not ensure that staff practice is consistently effective to ensure children's bedding is clean and in good condition for children's use. Staff do not realise when they at times step on the edges of children's bedding with their shoes on.The provider ensures that staff deployment is effective to meet the needs of individual children and keep them safe.
Leaders meet with individual staff regularly to identify and support training needs. Staff have had a range of training since the previous inspection. Although some aspects of training are yet to be embedded fully, the training has overall supported the progress the setting has made since the previous inspection.
Staff support young children to learn new words and to join in songs and rhymes. Babies learn to name animals and identify the sounds animals make. Older children learn to use mathematical vocabulary appropriately in the context of their play.
For example they identify sizes 'big, medium' and 'small'.Staff help children understand what is expected of their behaviour. Children learn to be kind to their peers.
They respond well when staff guide them to share and take turns during play. Children enjoy being 'helpers' and, for example, help to set up the table mats for lunchtime.Staff teach children the importance of washing hands at appropriate times and brushing their teeth regularly.
They help children learn the importance of making healthy choices at snack and mealtimes and work closely with parents in this regard.Staff plan a range of activities to promote children's understanding of the world around them. They provide interesting sensory experiences for younger children to explore the textures of grass, sand and water.
They teach them about farmers and farm animals. Staff skilfully use role-play opportunities to teach children about community helpers. Older children pretend to be doctors, dentists and firefighters and are stimulated to chat about their experiences of meeting with community helpers.
Staff regularly share information with parents about the activities their children engage in at the setting. They share ideas with parents to enable them to continue children's learning at home. Parents provide positive views about their children's time at the setting.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure that all staff follow appropriate practices to ensure that children's bedding is maintained in a clean and good condition for their use 16/12/2024 improve staff skills to consistently implement the next steps planned for children with SEND.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.