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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is inadequate
Senior management do not fully understand safeguarding and welfare requirements of the early years statutory framework and childcare register. They have failed to manage allegations about staff appropriately, including notifying the relevant agencies. Senior leaders do not recognise when children are at potential risk.
This compromises their safety.Overall, children behave suitably and listen to staff. However, staff manage behaviour inconsistently.
Some staff do not help children to understand the impact of their behaviour. This hinders the progress the children make in social development. Despite the weaknesses..., children are settled and happy.
They benefit from good relationships with the staff, who are affectionate and attentive towards them.The quality of staff's teaching and interactions is inconsistent. Staff do not allow children to follow their interests at their own pace.
They frequently dominate activities or play, meaning children sometimes become disinterested. However, skilled staff support others by modelling good practice for them to learn from. For example, they repeat and extend language to help children with their communication development.
Staff recognise when children show signs of needing extra support, such as having special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). However, the setting does not establish timely partnerships with other professionals to seek further support for children who may need it. This means not all children make the progress they are capable of.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Senior management do not fulfil their role and responsibilities to safeguard children. They do not adhere to, or have sufficient knowledge and understanding of, safeguarding and welfare requirements to ensure they are consistently met. Senior management do not know the procedures to follow when there are concerns about staff's conduct.
They do not report concerns in a timely way and allow potentially unsuitable people to have contact with children. This means the safety and welfare of children cannot be assured.The nursery has experienced a recent period of changes in management.
New managers have identified areas of weakness in the setting's practice and are making improvements. Staff have regular supervisions and receive support to improve their practice. They receive regular safeguarding training and know the whistle-blowing procedures to follow.
However, they do not follow these procedures to ensure action is taken to keep children safe when concerns arise.Staff do not always support children in managing their feelings and behaviours. They do not always listen to children effectively or teach them how to manage disagreements.
Staff tell older children 'no' or encourage them to hug but do not support children to understand the impact of their behaviour on others. Children do not always learn how to behave and why.Children enjoy a varied menu of home-cooked, nutritious food.
They sit well and show dexterity when using cutlery. Staff sit with children while they eat, helping to build positive relationships. They remind children to use manners and be polite.
Staff show good understanding of children's dietary requirements, including allergies. Children know to wash hands and are aware of hygiene practices.Some staff identify children who have delays in their learning and need early intervention.
However, insufficient action is taken to ensure children with SEND receive the full support they need in their learning and development. For instance, the setting does not seek advice from other professionals swiftly enough to ensure it implements effective strategies consistently to meet all children's needs and help them reach their full potential.Overall, staff plan activities taking into account what children already know and can do.
Staff select age-appropriate resources to reflect children's needs. For example, they provide suitable resources to support children's concentration and development of their hand muscles in the toddler room. However, they do not always consider children's interests when planning for their learning.
Furthermore, they do not adjust activities to meet children's individual needs. This means children lose motivation and miss opportunities for learning.Ratios are met and staff are deployed effectively.
Staff supervise children well and are regularly down at child level to promote positive body language and listening. Most children make suitable progress in communication and language. Children are familiar with the routines of the day, which helps them to feel safe.
Staff sing songs to help remind children what to do next. For example, staff sing to babies while washing hands.
The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.
There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
The provision is inadequate and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.
We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date implement robust vetting systems to ensure the continued suitability of staff 11/10/2024 ensure that safeguarding procedures are followed when a safeguarding allegation about a member of staff or concern is identified 11/10/2024 improve knowledge and understanding of safeguarding policies and procedures to follow, including whistleblowing procedures 11/10/2024 ensure all leaders, managers and staff fully understand whistleblowing procedures, so that concerns are followed up promptly 11/10/2024 develop staff's understanding of how to manage children's behaviour appropriately so that children know what is expected of them 11/10/2024 improve arrangements for supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities, with regard to implementing partnerships with other professionals, to ensure swift action is taken to help close any gaps in their learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.