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84 Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2DJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children thrive in this exceptional and inspiring nursery. Children proudly lead visitors on a tour around the nursery.
They use their creativity and imagination as they play with their friends and are excited and keen to learn while leading their own play. For example, children create volcanoes using self-made play dough and excitedly shout, 'wow, look at mine', as they erupt. Children have gained extensive knowledge about birdlife through using the internet to view hatching eggs in bird's nests.
They create their own birds' nests and eggs to go inside. Children have a wealth of vocabulary as they discuss the o...sprey and sizes of the different nests. They reflect on previous learning about dinosaurs, and staff willingly support children to make the link from bird's eggs to dinosaur eggs.
As a result, children remain highly engaged and joyful in their learning when they make dinosaur eggs and watch them 'hatch' as the ice melts.Children develop a clear understanding of their own emotional well-being. When an activity is finished, children are content and move on with their play.
They are inquisitive and independent learners. Children are cared for by passionate and knowledgeable staff who support their learning and development to an exceptionally high level. As a result, children make significant progress in all areas of learning.
Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. As a result, behaviour is exceptional across all age groups. Staff are positive role models and empower children to learn with enthusiasm and grow as individuals.
The curriculum is well considered and understood by staff. It successfully builds on children's prior knowledge, allowing them to flourish in the nursery. Children are incredibly well prepared for their transition to the next stage of their education.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have high aspirations for all children and plan an effective curriculum which builds on what children already know and can do. Staff have a shared vision for children's learning which is implemented throughout the nursery. Staff's knowledge of children is incredibly detailed.
They submerse themselves in play and effectively promote children's learning and development. As a result, children make rapid progress.Staff create exciting opportunities to learn based around children's individual interests.
Children use these opportunities to extend their own knowledge. Children are in awe during every step of their learning journey. They demonstrate high levels of concentration in all activities.
For example, children spend a prolonged period of time collecting herbs from the garden, and create potions to share with their friends.Communication and language are a clear focus in all areas of the setting. Staff provide a learning environment that is full of rich language.
They respond enthusiastically to children and challenge them to think for themselves and to solve problems. Children demonstrate that they have accumulated a broad bank of vocabulary. They quickly ask their peers for support when needed.
For example, when a child forgets the name of vegetables growing in the garden area, they work enthusiastically as a team to remember the correct name. Children have an extensive vocabulary and move on to school as confident communicators.Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour.
Children's behaviour is consistently impeccable. Staff's consistent strategies to support children's understanding of the expectations is evident, from the youngest children using cutlery at meal times to the oldest children consistently having a kind and caring nature towards one another. Children have high levels of respect for one another and the adults.
They demonstrate this by helping their peers and responding positively during adult interactions. Children wait for their turn to talk when their peers are having a conversation. Children work as a team to problem solve.
For example, three children work together to carry a heavy watering can to the garden to water the tomato plants.The nursery benefits from an inspirational and aspirational management team. They are enthusiastic and passionate about providing children with the best start.
Staff feel fully supported by the management team. Managers are flexible to the individual needs of the staff and focus on supporting their emotional well-being. Staff are supported to access regular training and develop their knowledge, which is seen in their excellent practice.
As a result, all staff work very effectively with children to support their learning and development.Parents are overwhelmingly positive and go out of their way to share feedback. They state that staff have beautiful relationships with, and are attentive to, their children.
They feel the nursery has become part of the family, and staff go above and beyond in providing an exciting environment for children. Parents share that they value the information about regular events that families can be a part of and share with the children.Children thoroughly enjoy their time spent outdoors.
They confidently access a wide variety of resources and activities that build on their physical skills and their growing imaginations. For example, they developed a 'car wash' to clean the nursery ride-on toys, and having created muddy puddles they took great delight in jumping up and down in the mud. Staff interactions help the children to understand the science behind the puddles drying up in the sunshine.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff attend safeguarding training to keep their knowledge up to date. They understand their roles and responsibilities to keep children safe.
Staff know the possible signs of abuse and the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child's safety. This includes what to do if they have concerns about staff behaviour. The managers follow robust recruitment processes to ensure staff are suitable to work with children.
Regular supervisions allow the manager to check the ongoing suitability of staff. Staff carry out risk assessments to ensure the environment is safe for children and children are well supervised. The setting supports parents to keep children safe when they are online at home.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.