Daisy Chain Pre-School (Rectory Farm)

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About Daisy Chain Pre-School (Rectory Farm)

Name Daisy Chain Pre-School (Rectory Farm)
Ofsted Inspections
Address Olden Road, Rectory Farm, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 5DD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestNorthamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children thoroughly enjoy their time at this nurturing pre-school. The experienced staff team know the children well and develop strong bonds with them and their families.

This supports children to feel happy, safe and settled. Staff provide a well-laid-out environment, where children freely access resources and make choices in their learning. Staff follow children's interests and promote their curiosity.

For example, they encourage children to think by asking them to guess what is buried beneath the snow. Staff plan a curriculum to meet the needs of children who currently attend. They focus on children's social and em...otional well-being and support them to become confident communicators.

For example, children are encouraged to talk about their home routines while bathing the dolls. Children build physical strength, both indoors and outdoors. Staff model how to use tools, such as rolling pins, scissors and cutters, as children explore play dough.

Outdoors, children learn to negotiate space and balance as they travel along the assault course. Staff use everyday opportunities to support children to share and take turns. For instance, they help children to work together to be 'builders' and build a tower.

Staff support children to resolve minor conflicts and help them understand the impact they have on the feelings of others. As a result, children are forming friendships and being prepared well for their future.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Overall, the curriculum is well organised.

Staff generally focus on helping children to develop the skills they need for future learning. For example, children learn to manage their self-care effectively. They are encouraged to put on their coats and get ready for outside play.

However, staff do not always encourage older children to participate during small-group times to help them develop concentration and listening skills. This does not help fully prepare children for what will be expected of them at school.Staff implement effective systems to monitor and assess children's development.

They quickly identify and provide necessary support to help close gaps in children's learning. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. Staff work closely with parents and other agencies to ensure that children with SEND get the help they need to move forward in their learning.

Staff interact well with children as they play. They are skilled at following children's interests and extending children's knowledge in the moment. However, staff do not always carefully consider how they plan activities to ensure older children are challenged consistently.

As a result, activities do not always have the maximum impact on supporting their learning.Children develop a love of books and stories. Staff skilfully read to children, encouraging them to observe and predict what will happen next.

They help children develop an understanding of different emotions as they help them consider and name the emotions that the characters are feeling.Staff help children to understand how to keep themselves healthy. They plan activities to teach children about oral health and promote healthy choices during mealtimes.

Discussions about keeping healthy happen naturally throughout the day. For example, before children go outside they learn why they need to put on their coats and hats.Staff successfully embed mathematics into activities and conversations.

Children spend time singing number songs. Older children are encouraged to use mathematical language during their play, such as recognising when pots are full and empty. Staff support children to count out loud.

Children begin to recognise numerals displayed on posters and those written on objects in the garden.Staff develop good partnerships with parents. Staff communicate with parents to share and gain valuable information about the children.

Parents praise the staff and comment they feel well informed about their children's progress.Leaders have a clear vision for the pre-school and have built a strong staff team. Staff report high levels of morale.

They attend regular meetings with leaders, which ensures that the quality of support for children is consistently good. Staff have recently attended training on children's behaviour. This training is reflected in how staff manage children's behaviour and support their emotional intelligence.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen support for older children to help them develop concentration and listening skills strengthen the planning of activities to ensure older children are consistently challenged.

Also at this postcode
Rectory Farm Primary School

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