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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children arrive and are warmly welcomed into the nursery by their enthusiastic key persons.
Even children who are new to the setting recognise their key person and settle rapidly, ready for the adventures of the new day. Staff recognise that the outdoor play spaces of this inner-city group are precious to the children and have equipped them brilliantly to stimulate, motivate and engage all children. Toddlers and pre-school children play cooperatively in their outdoor area.
They eagerly explore the 'Hansel and Gretel' styled playhouse. They use their imagination superbly to act out favourite scenes from films and... books dressed as their favourite superheroes. Other children show excellent climbing skills as they negotiate the metal climbing frame or go up the wooden steps to the slide.
Babies love investigating the sand, mud and ride-on tricycles in their dedicated outdoor area. While indoors, they investigate baskets full of enticing objects. They explore safely, watched by attentive staff who encourage their concentration and extend their learning effectively.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children have exciting experiences that help them learn about the wider world. They regularly visit nearby beaches and forests. Children become highly curious and inquisitive learners.
They relish investigating how the plants, animals and insects live and survive in the different environments. Staff challenge them to manage appropriate risks, such as climbing trees or over and around rock pools. Children develop superb care and consideration for living things, treating them with respect.
All children make exceptional progress. Staff know children thoroughly and obtain detailed information from parents about what children already know and can do. This helps them plan effectively for what they need to learn next.
Staff make precise and accurate assessments of children's abilities, recognising rapidly when they may need extra support. Key persons work extremely closely with managers, parents and other professionals to ensure children get timely support, to make sure any gaps in learning close quickly.Children of all ages show excellent levels of concentration and motivation.
For example, babies are thoroughly engaged in experimenting with the sounds they can make as they bang wooden spoons on different metal pots and pans. They giggle and show delight as they achieve their task, receiving praise from staff. Toddlers listen attentively and copy signs correctly as they join in with signing and singing songs.
Pre-school children contribute superb ideas for a joint story about a lion, spider and policeman. They wait patiently for their turn and are highly creative in their imaginings explaining that the spider is huge which is why it can eat the lion.Managers support staff brilliantly.
They focus on developing staff's skills and support their mental health and well-being exceptionally well. Staff are confident to voice their opinions and implement training highly effectively to benefit children and improve outcomes. Staff work together as a team with a shared vision, dedicated to supporting children to make the best possible progress.
Managers and staff have worked hard to build highly effective partnerships with parents and carers. Staff use a variety of ways to communicate with parents, including verbal daily feedback, online photographs and videos, meetings and regularly sharing children's next steps in learning. This helps to ensure parents are fully included and able to support their children's learning at home.
Parents have also had the opportunity to visit the beach with the children and are going to the forest soon. Parents say this has provided them with an excellent understanding of what children are capable of doing and how they are learning.Staff support children's understanding of others' feelings and how to respect others, fantastically.
They invite parents in to share stories and rhymes in home languages, read books with children about different families and talk with them about what makes them unique. Children show amazing care and consideration for others, as staff are excellent role models. For example, children remind others to use their words to ask for toys they want and help each other to put on dressing-up clothes.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff complete regular safeguarding training and understand their roles and responsibilities in keeping children safe extremely well. All staff have a secure knowledge and understanding of the safeguarding policies and procedures.
They know exactly what to do when or if they need to refer concerns about the welfare of a child. Through recent changes to staffing, the manager demonstrates thorough recruitment, induction and monitoring procedures. These include regular checks of all staff's suitability to work with children.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.