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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement Children are happy when they arrive.
They are pleased to see familiar staff and greet them warmly. Staff welcome children with smiles and ask them how they are and what they would like to play with. Children settle quickly and join the group to play.
Overall, all children are not receiving good enough levels of support in their learning. Interactions between staff and children are varied and are not consistently at a good level. Staff get to know children and plan activities based on what they are interested in and what they need to learn next.
However, this is not implemented to a good level and leaders have not... ensured that the curriculum is consistently challenging and ambitious for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff support children to build positive relationships with their friends by encouraging them to help one another or show kindness. Overall, children listen to staff and follow instructions.
Staff engage children in play that is meaningful, such as making magical potions in the mud kitchen and developing their physical skills by learning to balance and throw balls. However, not all staff demonstrate strong enough teaching skills to adapt these learning opportunities to challenge children's learning and extend their play. As a result, children quickly lose interest when playing, often moving from one activity to the next.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have worked hard to address the weaknesses identified at the last inspection. They have a targeted plan to work towards with staff at the setting. This has had a positive impact on ensuring that children are kept safe.
However, it has not yet had an impact on the learning and teaching across the setting. This means that not all children are receiving good levels of support in their learning.Leaders are working hard to raise standards and are focused on implementing change to improve experiences for children.
They show a passion for the early years provision and demonstrate a clear vision for the future. They recognise what they do well and where they need to improve. Regular meetings are held with staff and there is a programme of professional development in place.
However, this is not yet tailored sufficiently enough in the nursery to help raise teaching to a good level consistently.Overall, children are happy at nursery and enjoy playing with their friends. When implementing activities, staff do not always ensure they are challenging and ambitious for all children.
This means that children do not make the progress they are capable of.Staff are able to identify children who may need extra support and those with SEND. They work with parents to address these needs.
Key persons implement strategies to support these children. However, this is not consistent for all staff working with children. This means that these children do not make the progress they are capable of.
Children enjoy listening to stories and singing songs. They use books independently and share stories with their friends. This supports children to make progress in their language development.
Staff model behaviours such as tidying up after themselves, saying 'please' and 'thank you' and helping their friends. Children copy these behaviours and are quick to remind each other if they forget. However, the weakness in the curriculum and interactions impact on children's attitude and they can find it hard to remain focused in their learning and lose interest quickly.
Staff support children to learn about how to manage their own self-care and independence skills such as putting on and taking off coats, washing hands and using the toilet. However, this is not done consistently and is often led by staff. For example, if children want to access their coats or get a tissue to wipe their nose, they must ask staff for this, as the learning environment does not always support children to learn these skills fully and independently.
Parents describe the staff as friendly and caring. They like the daily feedback staff give about their children's routines. However, some information about what their children are learning is not shared with all parents.
For example, staff teach children about healthy eating and how to look after their teeth. However, these messages are not shared with parents effectively so they can support this learning at home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date improve the system for coaching and mentoring to ensure that weakness in staff development is identified and addressed 31/12/2024 ensure all staff working with children with SEND are aware of strategies to support them so they make good progress 31/12/2024 improve interactions between staff and children to ensure that they are consistently of a high standard 31/12/2024 ensure the curriculum is fully ambitious and consistently challenging for all children.31/12/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consider the nursery environment to enable children to be fully independent within their own self-care and develop independence skills develop stronger relationships with parents to enable them to be involved in their children's learning, particularly around healthy eating.