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About Dawn To Dusk Breakfast And After School Club
Dawn To Dusk Breakfast And After School Club
St. James Lanehead C of E Primary School, Briercliffe Road, BURNLEY, Lancashire, BB10 2NH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children explore a variety of resources and activities at the setting. They make their own choices about what they would like to do.
Children spend their time in the large school hall and a variety of outdoor spaces. Outdoors, children play ball games on the yard, care for plants in the garden and have access to a large field. This supports children's health and well-being.
Inside, children choose from age-appropriate toys and games.Children have good relationships with staff and enjoy their time before and after school. They freely communicate about their school day and home life.
Children are settled and content.... They behave well. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour.
Children respond well to the familiar behaviour management strategies that are also used throughout school. Children help to get out toys and games, working in collaboration to set up their environment. They enjoy a healthy snack each day after school.
Children are encouraged to make healthy choices for themselves.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff offer a wealth of opportunities for children as they play and enjoy their leisure time. For example, children plant seeds in the garden.
Staff talk children through the process, sharing the names of flowers. They encourage children to use tools and have a go themselves. Staff explain how plants grow and encourage children to remember what they have learned in school.
Children are familiar with the daily routine. For example, when children arrive, they sit on mats while the register is taken. Children understand how important this is.
They respond promptly when asked to sit down for snack. Children treat adults and each other with a high level of respect.Staff encourage children to be independent, which helps them to develop a growing sense of responsibility.
For example, children help to get things ready at snack time. They set the table, pour drinks and help to serve food. Older children provide positive role modelling for younger children.
Children are eager to discover what is on offer. They are happy and enthusiastic. Staff become involved in children's play, for example, as children create ball games and colour their own artwork on large sheets of paper.
Positive relationships with familiar adults help children to feel settled and secure.The manager has robust systems in place to track which children she is expecting. She does not hesitate to contact parents when she needs to check this.
The manager has excellent knowledge of the adult-to-child ratio she must adhere to.The manager carries out checks to help ensure all staff are appropriate to work with children. She conducts supervisions which help her to identify any emerging training needs.
The manager provides support for staff well-being. She monitors staff practice regularly to help her to ensure staff provide the highest quality of care.Parents are very happy with the provision.
They praise the 'family feel' and 'lovely staff team'. They value the communication they receive, particularly daily conversations with staff. This helps parents to feel confident about the care being provided.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have good knowledge of signs of abuse and how to report any concerns they have. Robust processes are in place to help ensure children are collected safely at the end of the school day.
The premises are secure. Parents ring a bell before they are brought in by a member of staff. Staff know how to keep children safe in hot weather.
They encourage children to stay hydrated and children are encouraged to apply their own sun cream. Staff manage allergies and dietary preferences well. The excellent knowledge of staff and robust processes help to ensure meals are safe for all children.