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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children demonstrate that they are relaxed and settled at this warm, comfortable setting. The friendly staff collect children from their classrooms. Children smile warmly at staff and demonstrate high levels of emotional security.
Children behave very well and understand key routines. For example, they remove their shoes as they enter the setting and wash their hands.Children participate in a wide range of enjoyable, exciting activities, demonstrating high levels of engagement.
For example, a group of children follow a recipe and measure ingredients to make play dough. They explore, adding different scents and colours, and... become highly engrossed in using their senses to investigate the dough.Staff listen to children well and their opinions and views are given high priority.
For instance, children request a 'build your own' pasta for dinner and choose activities and resources that they wish to use. Older children are sensitive to younger children's needs. They show kindness to one another.
Older children are given additional responsibilities, such as leading painting activities. This helps to develop their self-confidence and self-esteem.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager is passionate about her role and strives to give children the best of care.
Company directors support these high standards and encourage continuous improvement by providing staff with a range of training opportunities. They complete regular supervision meetings and actively seek feedback about staff well-being. The management team follows robust recruitment procedures to ensure individuals are suitable to work with children.
Staff promote children's healthy lifestyles well. They provide regular opportunities for children to play outside in fresh air. Staff provide children with a range of fruits and vegetables as part of their healthy menu for snacks and meals.
Staff also encourage children to learn about the wider aspects of being healthy. For example, they have recently studied dental care and investigated how much sugar is in a selection of drinks.The manager values parental feedback which is used to make positive changes.
Parents comment that their children love the club, that they enjoy a selection of healthy, delicious food and participate in a wide range of activities. Furthermore, they really value the excellent relationships staff have built with their children.Staff have good relationships with the children.
The key-person system is well established, and staff know their children well. Staff provide opportunities for children to talk about their feelings. For instance, younger children have a large soft toy to cuddle if they are feeling emotional and older children have the opportunity to write any concerns down and discuss them with a staff member.
This helps children to feel listened to and builds emotional security. Staff have also developed positive relationships with school staff. This helps to aid smooth communication.
Staff actively seek feedback about children's interests and passions. They use this information to plan a diverse range of play activities that motivate and engage children very well. For instance, children engage in activities such as card games, climbing outside and using paint to explore symmetry.
Staff place high regard on children's safety. They carefully mark children on their register as they collect them from their classroom. Children know to walk with a partner and in a line, following staff instructions carefully.
Staff complete another register as they arrive on site. Staff carefully monitor children's medical conditions and information about allergies and intolerances. Staff gently remind children of the rules, such as walking inside, to help keep children safe.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a strong understanding of their responsibility to safeguard children. They complete regular training about safeguarding and wider child protection issues, such as radicalisation and county lines.
Staff are aware of the possible signs and symptoms that could indicate abuse or neglect, including the procedure to follow to report a concern about a child's welfare. Staff are vigilant and ensure careful supervision of children. They complete risk assessments to ensure the environment is safe for children to use.