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About Dawn until Dusk Ltd at Harrold Lower School
Dawn until Dusk Ltd at Harrold Lower School
Harrold Lower School, The Green, Bedford, MK43 7DB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy and enjoy the time they spend at this friendly after-school club.
Staff collect children from their classrooms and are swift to engage them in discussions about their day at school. For example, some children have returned from a school trip. The enthusiastic staff encourage children to share their experiences and the interesting new facts they have learned.
Once in the club building, children are eager to explore the large variety of age-appropriate activities staff skilfully prepare. Staff have in-depth knowledge of all children, and carefully plan resources and activities to meet a wide variety of int...erests. For example, staff and children engage well in football and tennis matches.
Alternatively, children can choose to relax in the cosy reading area or complete a variety of craft activities.Children form close bonds with one another. Older children support their younger friends in completing tasks, and engage well with them in play.
All children have a good understanding of taking turns and cooperate well in activities. For example, children choose to play in the outdoor area. They vote on which section of the playground they will explore.
Children respect the final decision and all join in playing outdoor games.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Parents speak highly of the club and staff. They comment on how their children enjoy attending and are reluctant to leave.
Parents deeply value the nurturing support staff give to children, especially during periods of personal stress.Children are developing a good understanding of healthy lifestyles. They enjoy a variety of fruit and vegetables for snacks, as well as a warm tea in the evening.
Children of all ages have a good understanding of essential hygiene procedures. They know to wash their hands after messy activities, and before meals, to stop germs spreading.Staff develop effective working relationships with the host school and pre-school.
The pre-school manager speaks highly of staff and how they communicate children's routines. Staff take the time to gather information about children's time at school. This enables them to identify children who may have struggled during the day, and offer additional support where necessary.
Children are aware of the rules of the club and why they are in place. Staff support this by mirroring the school's approach to behaviour management and the strategies they use. This ensures consistency and supports children's positive behaviour.
Children show high levels of curiosity in their play. Staff encourage this by allowing children to explore activities at their own pace. Staff ask age-appropriate questions and support children to reach their own conclusions.
For example, children are curious about the various textures of slime in a sensory activity. Staff encourage them to make their own slime. They explore the effects that different quantities of ingredients have on their creations.
Staff communicate well with families. Parents stay informed about children's time at the after-school club with daily updates. Staff send out regular newsletters to make parents aware of planning themes and to highlight future events.
Parents have the opportunity to offer feedback on the care the club provides, by completing regular feedback questionnaires.The provider has highly effective recruitment and induction procedures in place to ensure all staff are suitable to work with children. All new staff complete robust safeguarding and first-aid training to support children's safety.
The provider completes regular appraisals on all staff to monitor their performance and well-being. Staff have access to a variety of online training opportunities to support their development.Children in the after-school club form close relationships with one another.
Staff create an environment where children are encouraged to participate in sociable group activities. However, staff do not make best use of daily routines to support children's social development. Mealtimes are not well organised and, as a result, children eat at different times.
Staff are focused on tasks, rather than creating a sociable mealtime for children to enjoy together.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate a good understanding of safeguarding.
They are aware of the signs and symptoms which could indicate that a child is at risk from abuse, and the correct process to follow when reporting concerns. Staff conduct regular risk assessments, both indoors and in the extensive outdoor area. They complete regular headcounts and use walkie-talkies to communicate children's whereabouts to one another.