Day Care Nurseries Ltd

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About Day Care Nurseries Ltd

Name Day Care Nurseries Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address Ashwood, 3-4 Ashwood Terrace, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 1DU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Stoke-on-Trent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children are firmly at the heart of this inspirational setting.

The experienced and nurturing staff give children a warm welcome as they arrive. Children develop strong attachments to their consistent key person and build up strong bonds with them. Staff know and understand the children extremely well.

Children who are new to the setting are given extra cuddles and comfort, helping them to feel safe and secure in their new surroundings. This supports children's emotional needs and enables them to leave their parents and carers with ease and immerse themselves in play. The in-depth and varying curriculum provides... activities to ensure that curiosity is fostered in children of all ages and abilities.

Children investigate and explore as they develop a range of skills. For example, babies show curiosity as they examine items in the treasure basket. They develop their small muscles and coordination as they turn over objects in their hands in wonder.

Older children use open-ended resources to develop their social and imagination skills. They use tree stumps as steering wheels and drive their peers to the shops in their 'rocket'. The children show a 'can-do' attitude and work well together as they carry logs between rooms to build a road for their cars.

This ensures that all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make exceptional progress from their starting points.Staff have the highest expectations of children's behaviour. They use consistent and effective strategies to promote positive behaviour.

Staff take every opportunity to praise children, however small their achievement may be. This helps to promote children's self-esteem and confidence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers and staff are inspirational.

They have extensive knowledge and awareness of the community they serve. They show immense pride in their setting and have a genuine passion for ensuring the very best for the children in their care. They continually evaluate the setting and themselves, to ensure that they provide outstanding learning and care.

Staff undergo regular and focused training, which is disseminated effectively to other staff and therefore impacts positively on the quality of teaching.Support for children with SEND is incredibly well targeted. Children and families are given exceptional opportunities and support.

Staff work with parents, outside agencies, and transition schools to ensure that they all work together and give the children the best opportunities. The dedicated environment and knowledgeable staff ensure that children make excellent progress from their starting points.The manager and staff establish outstanding relationships with parents and carers.

The integrated approach ensures that families are fully supported in enhancing children's home learning. For example, staff invite parents and carers to 'watch me play' sessions and demonstrate to parents how to get the best from children's play and enhance children's learning further. Parents value the daily communications about their child's day.

These are given both verbally and on a secure online system. This helps involve parents and carers and enables them to be well informed about their child's day and progress. Parents comment that staff give children time and help support them to overcome hurdles that parents did not think they would.

Staff support children to gain experiences outside the setting. For example, staff take children on walks. They look at the world around them and listen for sounds such as birds and cars.

They visit the local park, library and shops. This ensures that the children learn about the local community and the world around them.Staff provide children with expert support to promote their speech and language skills.

For example, they listen carefully to children as they enthusiastically tell stories about experiences from home. Baby room staff model words and encourage babies to repeat them. Staff teach older children how to pronounce sounds and new vocabulary, enhancing all children's language skills to a high level.

Staff work to make children ready for their next stage in learning. Transitions between rooms and school are well thought out to ensure that children have the right skills for the next stage of their learning. For example, babies feed themselves with spoons.

Toddlers start to use the toilet and learn how to wash their hands correctly. Older children recognise their names and start to write letters and numbers correctly.Staff give children's well-being a high priority.

During everyday conversations, they teach children how to be healthy, explaining why it is important to wash your hands or drink water. Children have healthy snacks and meals and get fresh air each day. Older children brush their teeth and learn about healthy foods.

Staff provide babies with warm and consistent care as they respond to their individual needs, giving cuddles and reassurance when they are tired or upset.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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