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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Staff establish excellent relationships with children and their parents.
Their warm, genuine care and nurturing approach help children settle quickly into the daily routines. Children develop a very strong sense of belonging and self-worth. Staff have very high expectations of what children can learn and achieve.
For example, when they identify gaps in children's learning, they quickly seek advice from outside professionals to help close these gaps. Children make outstanding progress, given their individual starting points. Children who speak English as an additional language, or those who have speech and langua...ge difficulties, equally make outstanding gains in their learning.
Children are exceptionally well taught and prepared for the next stages in their learning and development, including the move on to school. They thoroughly enjoy their time in the nursery and develop a very high level of curiosity and confidence. For example, babies and younger children very eagerly explore fresh vegetables during play and learn 'wow' words.
Older children recognise numerals and develop a very good knowledge of play coins and their value. They are increasingly articulate and independent in the way they talk about how they purchase fresh ingredients and help to prepare and bake a pizza. Overall, children develop an excellent sense of achievement and respond with enjoyment to learning.
They have excellent opportunities to develop their physical skills. Older children also experience greater physical challenge, learn to negotiate roles and take risks as they play.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff plan and provide memorable experiences that enthuse children to learn.
They gain regular information from parents about what their children know, can do and need to learn next. Staff use this information, alongside their ongoing observations of children, to meet each child's individual needs and interests superbly.Staff know children remarkably well and hold discussions with them.
Children develop outstanding communication and language skills and respond very well to staff's instructions. Younger children love songs and they dance beautifully to music. Older children know many letters and sounds, recognise numerous words in the environment and can write their names correctly and independently.
They can use books very well to retell their favourite stories. Children make in-depth comments on what they see, feel and smell.Staff are excellent examples for the children.
They talk to children in a calm and professional manner and support their social and emotional well-being exceptionally well. Children share resources fairly, take turns and respect the feelings of others. They are self-assured and demonstrate excellent attitudes to learning.
Children's behaviour is exemplary.Children enjoy making excellent healthy choices from the range of food available to them. For example, they have very good knowledge that bananas and milk can help them grow and develop.
Older children enthusiastically set up the tables and guide their friends to sit for lunch. Babies love to eat alongside other children and enjoy the opportunity to socialise with them. Children are able to serve themselves and learn to use real cutlery safely.
Highly effective partnership with parents, providers and outside professionals results in an excellent continuity of care, progression and support for each child.Parents speak highly of the excellent service they receive from the nursery staff. They say that their children learn a lot in the nursery and are ready to make their first steps into school.
Managers supervise and appraise staff effectively. They offer them specific guidance to strengthen further their already excellent teaching. They are alert to the workload of staff.
Staff attend courses regularly and observe each other to help benefit children's learning. They are delighted with the excellent support they receive from the managers and the way leaders support their well-being.Children have excellent opportunities to learn about a wide range of festivals and cultures represented in the local community.
They enjoy music, yoga and physical movements. They learn essential skills superbly well. Children flourish and feel special and unique.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Robust recruitment and vetting procedures help ensure that all staff are suitable to work with the children. Leaders, managers and staff demonstrate an excellent understanding of their role to keep children safe.
For example, they are very knowledgeable about the different types and signs of abuse and know how to follow the correct procedures if they have any welfare concerns about a child or an adult. The manager undertakes regular inductions to help staff be clear about the expectations. Staff undertake thorough risk assessments on outings and of the premises and resources, and supervise children during their play to help them remain safe and secure.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.