Dingle Kids Club Ltd

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About Dingle Kids Club Ltd

Name Dingle Kids Club Ltd
Address Matthew Arnold School, Dingle Lane, LIVERPOOL, L8 9UB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children radiate happiness at this bright and homely club, affectionately named 'The Flat'.

Staff are nurturing and supportive, and children quickly build warm and trusting relationships with them. The environment is carefully planned with activities and resources that build on children's interests, and staff are creative in forging links with their learning at school. Children show a strong sense of belonging at the club.

Children of all ages play together amicably and voice their ideas and opinions during the session. Staff are experienced and attentive and know the individual children very well. They expertly engage wit...h them, offering praise and encouragement and extend their play with thought-provoking questions.

Children follow the club rules and listen intently as the staff remind them how to play safely. Children confidently speak about how they keep themselves safe, especially online and when out in the local community. Children are becoming increasingly independent and learning to manage their own risks.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The staff team work together seamlessly as they share a clear and ambitious vision for the club. They are highly reflective and eager to implement a programme of continuous improvement. Self-evaluation successfully incorporates the views of staff and children, and strong emphasis is placed on promoting the children's voice.

This helps to increase their confidence and ensure they feel valued.All staff are paediatric first-aid trained and have access to an online portal for a variety of further training needs. Staff say they enjoy working at the club and feel valued and supported in their roles.

A robust induction process, followed by a programme of professional development, support and supervision, helps them continually improve their practice.Parent partnerships are strong. Written feedback is highly complimentary about the club and the effective communication of the team.

Parents are offered a gradual and flexible settling-in process when their children start attending. This helps ensure both the children's and family's needs are well considered. The thorough information gathering and relationship building help parents develop trust and reassurance.

All children's needs are continuously met, and staff know the children very well.Staff support children to learn about healthy lifestyles. They take every opportunity to discuss which foods and drinks help them to be healthy and encourage children to select and prepare meals in the club.

For example, children choose houmous, cucumber and pittas and confidently prepare and serve them to their friends. Leaders work tirelessly to embed healthy eating habits and good oral health on a daily basis.Staff promote children's self-care skills well.

Children are encouraged to use the bathroom facilities independently, and they wash their hands without being reminded. Children know the routine well and independently hang up their belongings as they arrive. This gives them a sense of belonging and ownership of the club.

Children are imaginative and polite. For instance, they show intense concentration on their bead creations and talk excitedly about what they will look like when they are finished. They take turns passing the tweezers to their friends to select the beads of their choice and demonstrate exceptional manners in doing so.

Children have access to a secure outdoor area in part of the school grounds to support their physical development. They play a variety of ball games and have plenty of space to run freely. Staff include children in the safety checks while on the school run and are vigilant in teaching them an awareness of the world in an age-appropriate way.

Partnership working is strong. The club and the on-site school are in constant communication and know the importance of information sharing to support children's well-being. They work exceptionally well together in sharing strategies to maintain a consistent approach to supporting all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

These excellent links with the host school help to ensure transitions run smoothly and support children's continuity of care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Matthew Arnold Primary School

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