Doris Venner Pre-School

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About Doris Venner Pre-School

Name Doris Venner Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Venner Youth & Community Centre, The Manor Drive, Worcester Park, Surrey, KT4 7LG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority KingstonuponThames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff create a safe and inclusive environment for all children, including those who speak English as an additional language. Staff collect relevant information from parents to understand children's learning and care needs.

This helps staff to build strong relationships with children. Leaders and managers have high ambitions for individual children's progress. They plan an effective curriculum and use funding well to support individual children to catch up with their peers.

Staff are skilled at enabling all children to make decisions about their play. They use a range of visual aids to support children's communication s...kills and to enable children of all abilities to make choices. This has a very positive impact on children's confidence, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff supervise children well. They give children lots of praise, which motivates children to play. For example, this is evident as children pretend to cook at the mud kitchen during outside play.

They happily tell adults, 'I'm cooking fried eggs,' while others say, 'I'm making pizzas.' Children show lots of enjoyment through their interactions with others. Staff are consistent in their expectations of children's learning and behaviour.

For example, they remind children gently what to do at snack times and mealtimes to avoid accidents. Staff engage children in mindfulness activities to help regulate their feelings and emotions. Children respond well to this.

Staff teach children knowledge and skills that they need for the next stage of their education.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager has a clear vision for the pre-school. She evaluates staff's practice rigorously to ensure that staff continue to provide children with a high-quality service.

For example, the team wants to enrich children's outdoor experiences to fully support those who prefer to play in the natural world.The manager has a sound knowledge of the signs, symptoms and indicators of abuse. She is particularly aware of how social media platforms may compromise children's safety.

The manager shares her knowledge of safeguarding with staff to ensure that they can identify and report any concerns they may have about children's welfare.Parents are very happy with staff's practice. They receive relevant information about their children's progress and any gaps in their learning.

Several parents spoke of the gains that their children have made, both academically and in their personal development, such as social skills. They are extremely assured that their children are happy, nurtured and well cared for in this pre-school. The strong partnership between parents and staff benefits children well.

Staff, particularly those who work with children with additional needs, are highly dedicated to ensuring that children receive the best support. They are in close contact with other professionals, such as their early years adviser, to monitor children's learning needs. This helps children, including those with SEND, to make notable progress.

For example, children with speech and language difficulties are now supported to use symbols and signs alongside speech to communicate with others.Staff observe and assess children's learning regularly to plan an ambitious curriculum. However, although staff identify appropriate learning intents, during some planned activities, they do not focus well on these to achieve the aims of the activity.

Staff are good at promoting children's healthy lifestyles. For example, they ensure that children wash their hands before touching food, to minimise the risk of cross-contamination. Staff also promote fresh air and regular exercise.

This supports children's mental and physical well-being effectively.Staff introduce several initiatives, such as a 'suitcase challenge', to encourage children to share their views and ideas. They discuss these initiatives during group times.

Children feel valued and develop a sense of belonging at the setting.Staff complete robust and thorough procedures to promote safer recruitment. They report that they receive ongoing support and professional development.

For example, since the last inspection, staff have developed a better understanding of gender stereotypes. This has given them the confidence to challenge children's language during play. The impact of this work can be seen in children's positive behaviour.

The provider has not informed Ofsted, as required, of changes to the trustees of the organisation. As a result, Ofsted was not provided with the required information to complete suitability checks for the trustees in a timely manner. The provider has now taken steps to put matters right.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to successfully deliver the intended learning intentions during planned activities.

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