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Wallingford School, St Georges Road, Wallingford, OX10 8HH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children form strong relationships with the caring staff team. They receive lots of encouragement and praise for their achievements.
This supports children's emotional well-being. Children behave well and show an awareness of routines and boundaries. They know what staff expect of them.
This helps them to feel safe and secure in their environment. Children form early friendships and play cooperatively together. They are confident and interact positively with visitors.
Older children display good levels of independence. They serve their own meals, pour their own drinks and independently manage their self-care. ...Children are motivated to learn.
They love to explore the garden areas. Young children learn to take risks with the support of staff, as they learn how to climb the small climbing equipment carefully. A recent renovation of the garden area has promoted children's interest in vehicles.
They have enjoyed spending time watching construction workers, and younger children have continued learning new language to identify the equipment in their play. Babies exploratory skills are supported by staff, who provide them with inviting sensory experiences. For example, they explore sound as they make music, press buttons and use their developing muscles as they dig in the sand.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and the manager have worked hard and closely cooperated with local authority advisers to implement positive changes. As a result, they have addressed all the actions raised at the last inspection and have made effective and significant improvements to strengthen safety, staff practice and children's learning in the nursery.The manager is skilled and dedicated to providing good-quality service to children and their families.
She continuously reflects on the provision, and ensures that staff have access to professional development opportunities. For example, some staff have recently received 'WellComm' training to help them in identifying children who may need extra support to build on their communication and language skills.Staff follow the children's interests well and provide additional activities to help them learn for their future.
For example, children in the pre-school recently showed an interest in the planet system. Staff help children to learn about this by providing carefully considered activities. Furthermore, children in the toddler room show a real interest in animals.
They are excited to use various tools to free tiny animal figures from ice blocks.Staff plan a varied curriculum to ensure children are well prepared for their future education. Staff regularly assess what children know and can do.
They use this information to plan for what children need to learn next. Children make good progress. Overall, staff prioritise activities that help children to develop their mathematical and communication and language skills.
For example, they ask questions to encourage children to talk about their play. However, at times, staff take the lead and children do not consistently have time to explore, predict and develop their thinking further.The manager, who is also the special education needs coordinator, plays a vital role in supporting children who may need early intervention.
Swift support, effective liaison with other external professionals and families gives a consistent and tailored approach.Overall, staff broaden children's experiences and extend their knowledge of people, places and the wider world. Children have daily opportunities for fresh air and exercise.
However, staff do not make best use of the immediate surroundings and environment to encourage children's understanding of the local community and world around them.Parents are delighted with the care and support the staff provide. Parents receive daily updates on their children's progress, and are supported to learn at home with their children.
Parents comment that they love the small family feel the nursery promotes.The manager and leaders are dedicated to their roles. They work alongside the staff team on a daily basis.
This helps to model effective practice and identify areas where they may need further support or training. Staff state that they are very happy in their roles, receive regular supervision and comment on the good support they get from leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
All staff receive regular safeguarding training. They have a secure understanding of how to recognise children who may be at risk of harm or abuse. Staff are confident on how to report any concerns about a child's welfare.
They are clear about what they would do in regard to the 'Prevent' duty and other safeguarding issues. Staff understand what they would do should they have a concern about a colleague. The leadership team follows vigorous recruitment process, ensuring the ongoing suitability of staff working with children.
Staff teach children how to keep themselves safe. For example, they talk to them about using scissors safely.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: build the quality of education to an even higher level, to develop the consistency of staff interactions and further support children's thinking skills nextend links with the local community to support children's understanding of experiences beyond their own and the wider world.