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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are collected from their classrooms by happy and caring staff, who are genuinely pleased to see them.
Children are excited to discuss their day at school. The attentive staff positively encourage children to share their news and check they have all their belongings. Staff know the children well, as they take time in getting to know them and their family.
However, many staff members also work at the host school so are very familiar adults for the children. As a result, all children, even the youngest, are settled, confident and fully integrated at the club. Children are welcomed into a homely and inviting play envi...ronment.
There is a cosy space, where children can sit comfortably and relax if they feel tired after a day at school.Staff ensure activities are prepared ready for their arrival. Children have an abundance of quality resources that they can freely access.
However, there are also a wide variety of outdoor activities and organised sports planned daily. Children choose what activities they want to participate in and are encouraged to make their own choices. Children have formed close and trusting bonds with the staff, who speak respectfully to them.
They are good role models and have high expectations for the children, who play well together, show kindness to one another and demonstrate good manners.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
While staff know all the children well, a system is in place for younger children in the early years to ensure they are well supported, settled, happy and fully engaged. Priority is given to ensure children's emotional well-being is supported.
Children demonstrate they feel safe and secure. They are confident and are interested in the purpose of visitors to the setting. They happily engage them in conversation and are keen to discuss the activities they enjoy at the club.
Children talk enthusiastically about the meals they receive while at the club. Dinner time is a social event and children sit with their friends, chatting as they enjoy ample portions of pasta and sauce. They know to wash their hands before eating.
They are very independent and understand the high expectation and routines of the club.Outdoor play is very popular. Many children choose to spend their time after a busy day at school on the field or in the playground.
They delight in the fresh air and opportunity to 'let off steam'. They learn team skills as they play organised games of football. Staff are skilful in engaging children in games and their interactions with them.
Positive working relationships with the host school have been established. Daily discussions take place when children are collected, if required, with the class teacher. School newsletters, menus and the early years curriculum are also shared, to ensure continuity of care and provide continued support of children interests.
Children are positively encouraged to have their say about the environment and activities provided and where they want to play. They discuss and write the 'club rules' that are fully understood and consistently applied. There is a very calm and happy atmosphere.
Children are fully engaged and show sustained concentration at their chosen activity.Parents comment on their complete gratitude for the service and the care their children receive. They say they feel fully informed as to what their children do at the club as communication is good.
Many comment on how happy their children are to attend and how quickly they settled.The management team is very hands on and offers support to the staff, who are fully aware of their role and responsibilities. Staff speak positively and say they feel valued and supported in their role.
They are positively encouraged to continue with their own professional development.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.