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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Managers and staff know the children who attend the pre-school very well. They invest the time to learn about each child's interests, home lives and starting points in development when they start. This helps children to settle in well.
The pre-school has a strong key-person system, which is focused on children's well-being and personal development. Children are very happy and thrive in the pre-school. They form close attachments with staff due to their warm, sensitive and caring interactions.
Generally, children's behaviour is positive, with staff setting clear expectations at the beginning of each session. Children co...nfidently recall the importance of sharing, taking turns, listening and using good manners. Children play harmoniously together.
Staff are dedicated to ensuring that all children make the best possible progress. They implement a carefully planned curriculum that considers each child's next steps in learning and individual interests. Overall, staff place a strong focus on supporting children's communication, language and social skills.
Staff tailor their support for children's language development, particularly for children who speak English as an additional language. This helps all children to communicate effectively. For instance, staff use visual aids and Makaton sign language and learn key words in children's home languages.
They also encourage children to use a lending library to take books home to read with their parents and carers. Staff introduce new vocabulary and provide a running commentary on children's play, helping them to become confident communicators.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Managers offer strong support to staff, who greatly value and appreciate the personal and professional assistance they receive.
Managers ensure that staff have access to relevant training to enhance their practice, including visits to exemplary settings in the local area. Additionally, managers provide support and time for staff to pursue further qualifications.Parents greatly appreciate the support that staff provide for their children.
They often comment on how excited their children are to attend the pre-school. Parents also value the assistance staff offer, such as helping them learn strategies that they can use to support their children's learning at home.Staff regularly share information with parents to support children's development.
They make sure that they provide daily feedback during pick-up times. Staff invite parents to celebrate cultural days and diversity in the pre-school. This supports children to develop their understanding of and respect for others.
Staff plan plenty of opportunities to support children to develop their independence. For example, children learn to use the toilet, wash their hands and put on their coats. Staff also remind younger children to use the nose- wiping and hydration stations, helping them to build confidence in managing their own self-care.
Staff have a clear understanding of their roles and work closely with other professionals, including local authority teams and health visitors, to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They implement additional interventions and strategies to help all children succeed.Managers make effective use of early years pupil premium funding to enhance children's education.
They collaborate closely with children's key persons to determine how the funding can be used to address any gaps in their development. For example, managers invest in targeted resources that support children's individual next steps in development. As a result, children receiving early years pupil premium funding make strong progress in their learning.
Generally, staff interact well with children. However, there are moments when, in their eagerness to support children, they do not always allow enough time for children to think and respond to questions. In some instances, staff ask questions quickly, and step in to answer or guide children too soon.
This limits opportunities for children to process and think independently.Managers and staff are dedicated to teaching children how to recognise hazards and stay safe. For example, staff involve children in carrying out risk assessments of the resources and learning environments before and after their play.
Overall, staff encourage children's good behaviour by guiding them to follow the golden rules in the pre-school. However, they do not consistently use effective strategies to support smooth transitions between daily routines and activities. As a result, this can lead to higher noise levels and children not being engaged or focused in their learning.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nallow children sufficient time to think and respond to questions asked nimplement strategies to support smoother transitions between activities, to help children to stay engaged and focused at all times.
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