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Susan Lawrence Childrens School, Lawrence Avenue, LONDON, E12 5QR
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement Children enjoy coming to the nursery and appreciate the well resourced indoor and outdoor areas.
Staff provide a welcoming environment where children can easily access various resources and equipment that reflect some of their interests. Children feel safe and secure in the care of the staff. They know they are there to support them emotionally, and they confidently seek comfort from them.
For instance, older babies new to the setting approach the staff for cuddles when uncertain about a situation. Staff organise a variety of enjoyable activities across all curriculum areas. However, they do not always take into account e...ach child's next steps when planning these activities.
This can result in insufficient challenge and unclear learning objectives. As a result, some children occasionally find it difficult to understand how to utilise the available resources or what they are expected to learn.Some routine activities, such as story sessions, lack staff engagement to ensure children are focused and attentive during the session.
This leads to inappropriate behaviour from some older children, who do not make the progress they are capable of. The key-person system is also ineffective. Some parents are unaware of their child's key person or the next steps in their children's learning.
However, staff support children in developing their communication and language skills in other ways. For instance, they encourage singing songs and rhymes. Staff guide younger children's repetition of new words and discuss their experiences with older children to strengthen their speech.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff carry out assessments of the children and have a clear understanding of their interests and abilities. For example, they recognise that some older children can write their names but struggle to engage and focus during some activities effectively. Staff do not use what they know about the children to consistently plan for the children's next steps to support their progress.
Additionally, staff do not fully grasp the learning intentions behind some activities they plan, which results in children being unclear about what they are supposed to be learning. Children are not making the progress they are capable of.Staff provide parents with some information about their children's daily routines, such as details about meals and sleep times.
However, this information does not always include the next steps in each child's learning or guidance on how parents can support their child's development at home. Additionally, some parents are unaware of their child's assigned key person, which makes it difficult for them to build a strong relationship with that individual and support their child's overall care.Older children are familiar with the nursery routines, such as when it is time for outdoor play or brush their teeth.
However, routine story sessions are not well organised. At times, staff do not effectively manage these activities, which prevents all children from being fully engaged and focused. Additionally, staff do not consistently remind children of the rules and behaviour expectations.
Some children disrupt others who want to participate, while others choose to walk away. Children's behaviour is sometimes less than good.Staff plan a variety of activities, toys and resources that are arranged in an attractive and safe manner.
This setup allows children to explore freely and make spontaneous choices. For example, toddlers joyfully engage with one another as they explore pasta, foam and paint. They take pleasure in using their hands to mix, fill and empty, which helps them develop their fine motor and social skills.
Children show their independence by choosing the resources and activities they wish to engage in. They put on their coats before going outside to play, and serve themselves during meals. They also interact with various outdoor equipment, which helps them develop their physical skills.
For example, older babies eagerly climb small structures and learn to walk with confidence, while maintaining their balance on large, soft blocks. Meanwhile, older children participate in running races and take pride in naming the winners.Leaders are committed and keen to enhance the nursery.
They have clear plans, including updating the existing action plans and incorporating the views of parents and staff. Furthermore, they work closely with support from the local authority's early years professionals to assist them in this process.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date ensure all staff fully understand how to plan for each child's next stage of learning and incorporate, and follow the learning intent for all activities 28/03/2025 improve the key-person system to ensure a consistent approach to sharing information with parents, particularly with regards to next steps in individual children's learning and to meet their needs.28/03/2025 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimprove how children's behaviour is managed to help them to engage fully and develop a deeper understanding of expectations, particularly during group activities.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.