Earlyworld Kids Club

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About Earlyworld Kids Club

Name Earlyworld Kids Club
Address Eynsham Cp School, Beech Road, Eynsham, WITNEY, Oxfordshire, OX29 4LJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children play in a welcoming environment and arrive confidently at the club. Children choose where to play inside or outside.

Staff organise the environment well and provide comfortable spaces where children can relax and spend time quietly after their school day. For example, children sit on the sofa and they relax on cushions in the side rooms. Staff set up the room prior to children's arrival.

They consider the needs of the children carefully and include a range of toys and resources that link to children's interests and complement their ongoing learning. Overall, children play well with each other. They settle to activ...ities that provide them with fun and enjoyment.

For example, children enjoy being creative, colouring-in pictures and decorating cakes with their own choice of sweet toppings.Children have fun together. They sing songs, dance to music games on the computer and play imaginative games.

Staff support children's listening and speaking skills well. For instance, they join in with children's play and ask them questions, which helps to include children in meaningful conversations. Older children are positive role models to the younger children and give them help and support.

For example, older children play games with the younger ones, such as pool.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are happy and contented in the club. They show they feel safe as they explore the environment with ease.

Children show staff are important to them as they invite them into their play and show them, with pride, what they have created. Staff interact positively with the children and know their key children well. This helps to meet children's individual needs well.

Staff support children to develop good relationships with each other. They encourage children to manage and take safe risks in their play. For example, children enthusiastically work as a team when balancing on the physical-play equipment.

They call out to each other and give each other guidance about how to balance to help them move along steadily. Energetic activities, including football, help children to be physically active, which promotes their good health.Overall, children have good friendships and clearly enjoy each other's company.

Children are divided into appropriate base rooms according to their age. This helps tailor activities to children to enable them to enjoy age-appropriate activities. Children generally listen well to staff when they are spoken to.

However, not all staff are consistent in helping children to learn and understand how their behaviour affects others, for example, when some children tease others.Staff encourage children to be independent and to meet their own self-care and personal needs. Children follow good hygiene routines before eating and staff remind them to wash their hands, when needed.

Children enjoy choosing and making their snack. Staff encourage the younger children to master skills such as pouring an accurate amount of drink into their cup.Partnerships with parents are good.

Staff interact and communicate well with the parents. Parents comment that the staff are 'lovely' and that they provide a good amount of activities for their children to enjoy. Parents can see what their children have enjoyed during their time at the club as staff provide regular pictures on the digital photo frame.

The manager is ambitious and confident in her role, and she knows how to reflect on the practice and provision. However, there is less focus on gaining the views and ideas of parents in order to help enhance the overall effectiveness of the club.Staff collect children from the local school and take time to talk to teachers at drop-off and collection times.

This helps to support the partnership working between the club and school. Strong links are being created between the club and the teachers at school to contribute further to meeting children's needs consistently.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The staff have a secure awareness of their roles and responsibilities to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in their care. They undertake thorough risk assessments of the premises. This helps to ensure all areas that are used with the children are safe and suitable.

Staff are confident of the signs and indicators that may mean a child is at risk of harm. They know the procedures to follow if they need to make a referral in the event of a concern. The manager has effective systems for safer recruitment, staff induction, supervision and appraisals, which helps to safeguard children's welfare.

Also at this postcode
Eynsham Community Primary School CLUBSZONE CZ LIMITED

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