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About East Hunsbury Primary School Kids Club
East Hunsbury Primary School Kids Club
East Hunsbury Primary School, Penvale Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 0QW
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are excited to see their friends and the staff as they relax after their day at school. Staff greet children with a smile before children are encouraged to put their belongings away.
Children are happy and enjoy their time at the club. The staff know the children well and use this knowledge to plan activities that they know they will enjoy. For example, children freely explore creative materials to design a gift for Valentine's Day.
They practise a range of skills as they cut heart shapes and colour intricate designs on the cards they make. Children engage well with the vast number of resources available. Staff pr...ovide activities that enable children to share resources and play games together.
Children have their own individually named pack of resources, which allows them to draw, design and be creative. They are encouraged to be independent and self-select toys. The manager and staff know the children and their individual personalities well.
Staff are friendly and respectful towards the children in their care. They model how children should be kind and listen to one another. As a result, children learn to make strong friendships and learn good social skills.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The club's experienced committee members take an active role in the management and ongoing running of the club. They work closely with the manager to reflect on the provision and provide ongoing staff support. This helps to ensure high-quality care for children.
The manager carries out regular supervision meetings with staff to identify their individual development and training needs. As a result, staff have the opportunity to regularly evaluate their practice. Staff attend mandatory online training courses for their roles and are continually encouraged to explore a variety of additional training to develop their knowledge.
Children eat a range of healthy snacks. They confidently discuss with visitors the types of food provided and what they enjoy the most. Children know that if they are still hungry, they can always ask for more.
Fresh fruit and drinking water are available daily and children are encouraged by staff to access them throughout the session.Staff gather information from parents before children start at the club. Children have opportunities to visit prior to their start date.
During these visits, children record their likes and dislikes on an 'All About Me' flag. This helps to ensure that staff understand and meet their needs from the beginning.Staff prioritise children's growing independence.
For example, children are encouraged to wash their hands before snack and clear away their plates when they have finished eating. Children are aware of the club's daily routines and staff ensure these are embedded to support new children to settle.Children have many opportunities to develop their physical skills and take appropriate risks.
For example, they enjoy playing football and being energetic on the large playground.Overall, children's behaviour is good. They are kind and play cooperatively together.
Children listen well and generally respond to staff instructions. However, staff occasionally need to remind children of the club behaviour rules. This enables older children to think and talk to staff about their behaviour choices and how they might impact on the younger children.
Staff make notes about the positive things the children have done during each session. Children take these notes home to show their parents.Partnership with parents is good.
Parents state their children are well cared for and comment that their children 'absolutely love' attending the club. Staff reliably pass on messages to parents from the children's school. Parents describe the staff as 'friendly' and 'helpful' and state they 'go above and beyond for their children'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders have a strong commitment to safeguarding. They ensure staff receive regular safeguarding training and support their ongoing knowledge in this area.
All staff understand their duty of care to safeguard children. They recognise the signs and symptoms that might indicate a child is at risk from harm or abuse. Staff understand their role concerning the 'Prevent' duty.
The staff recruitment process is robust, and staff's ongoing suitability is regularly reviewed to check they remain suitable to work with children. Staff understand how to keep children safe. They carry out risk assessments and safety checks of the indoor and outdoor environments to ensure children's well-being and safety.