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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Caring and dedicated staff ensure that every child is nurtured and their individual needs are met. For example, staff work closely with outside agencies and parents to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
This helps children to settle very well. Children feel safe and secure and develop close bonds with the staff. Staff encourage children to do things for themselves and help them to learn about healthy lifestyles.
Children blow their own nose at the 'tissue station' and cut their own fruit at snack time. At lunchtime, they carry their lunch trays to the table. Children make healthy choic...es about the food they eat and staff support them to brush their teeth after meals.
The ambitious management team has high expectations for every child. Along with the staff, managers monitor children regularly to check their progress and assess what they know. They use this information, along with children's interests, to develop children's learning and teach them new things about the world.
For example, when children show an interest in the moon, staff help them to expand their conversation further. They discuss night time, the dark sky and how wolves 'howl at the moon'.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team and staff create a wonderful learning environment.
Staff take care to provide areas that will tempt children and stimulate their interest. Children are given many opportunities to write, read and learn new and varied vocabulary. Children are inquisitive and are engaged throughout the day.
They enjoy learning and are keen to take part in play. For example, children hold cars up to a mirror and are excited about the reflection they can see.Children's behaviour is calm and relaxed.
Children use manners throughout their day. Staff are good role models and they generate an atmosphere of respect and kindness throughout the setting. For example, children use a 'kind hands' area to take time to sit quietly and look at a book or talk with their friends.
The management team and staff develop strong partnerships with schools. In particular, they work very closely with the school in which they are based. For example, children mix with older children at lunchtime and share the outside space.
This helps children to adjust well as they move into Reception class.Members of the management team provide many opportunities for staff's professional development. They support staff well through regular supervisions and target training to staff needs.
However, the monitoring of staff performance does not always highlight areas for development. For example, they do not always recognise when tasks and activities are too difficult for some children.The manager failed to notify Ofsted of a number of new company directors.
This breaches a requirement of the early years foundation stage. However, it does not impact on children's safety. Directors do not work at the setting and are not present at the setting when children are there.
Managers are robust in ensuring children's welfare and safety. For instance, they do not allow staff members to work alone and door entry systems ensure only known people are permitted to enter the setting.Staff develop effective and cooperative relationships with parents.
Staff work hard to make parents feel welcome, and parents enthuse about the support they have received in difficult situations. Staff provide guidance on behaviour and provide books and resources to enhance children's home learning.Some staff teach extremely well.
As children play in the water, they skilfully support children's learning. For example, they talk about feelings and facial expressions and sound out the letters of their name. They think about size and predict whether a ball of foil might sink or float.
However, groups times are not always highly effective. For example, large groups mean that children have to wait longer than they are able, as they take turns at an activity. This means some children become a little distracted.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Members of the management team ensure that staff clearly understand their responsibilities regarding safeguarding. They provide regular training and ensure staff can easily access contact information for safeguarding agencies.
Managers use staff meetings to ensure the training is fully embedded. For instance, they have quizzes to check staff's knowledge. Staff are aware of the signs and symptoms that might indicate abuse.
They know how to report any concerns they may have about a child or adult. Staff put measures in place to keep children safe online, such as putting parental controls on the tablets they use in the after-school club.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: focus even more precisely on monitoring staff performance to ensure all staff are supported to teach to the highest standards support children even further during group times to ensure all children are able to fully participate.