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St. Saviour’s Church, Macdonald Road, Forest Gate, E7 0HE
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children arrive excited to greet their friends and play in this warm and welcoming environment that staff create for them.
Children develop strong emotional attachments to the kind and attentive staff. This helps children to feel safe and secure. For example, children receive lots of cuddles and reassurance when needed.
Staff provide children with a range of stimulating activities. For example, younger children use rollers and stampers with dough, and older children paint firework pictures as they learn about Diwali celebrations.Staff have clear and consistent expectations of children.
This helps children to r...egulate their behaviour effectively. For example, they remind children that 'sharing is caring' as they play. Staff take a positive approach to supporting children's behaviour through regular praise.
Children respond to this praise and behave very well.Parents are happy with the care their children receive and talk fondly of the warm and helpful staff team. Staff work together with parents to help their children become independent.
For example, staff support parents with advice and guidance when their children are toilet training.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff know the children well. The team works together to observe children as they play.
Each child's key person tracks their achievements and undertakes regular assessments to help outline any gaps in their development. Children enjoy social mealtimes, sitting with their friends and staff, chatting happily. They have healthy fruit for their snack and develop their independence as they pour their milk or water themselves.
Children's literacy skills are developing. Books are strongly promoted throughout the setting and during activities. A cosy and inviting book area is well used, and children's love for books is positively encouraged.
Staff provide a commentary during activities. They allow children ample time to respond to questions and broaden their vocabulary by introducing new words to the conversation.Staff support children and their families to lead healthy lifestyles.
Children have regular fresh air and exercise in the nursery's secure outdoor area. For example, children enjoy developing their large muscles as they climb, run and balance. Recently the setting held a family picnic for the children and their families.
Parents were keen to bring cultural food to share.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported at the setting. Designated leaders work closely with parents, staff and other professionals to support children with SEND.
Staff have access to targeted training to fully support children with particular needs. This supports children with SEND to make good progress alongside their peers.Partnership with parents is good.
Staff work closely with parents to ensure that their children's needs are met. Parents are very positive about their children's time at the setting and the staff team. They comment on how much children love to come each day and how well staff support children's needs.
Staff support children to understand what makes them unique. For example, during Black History Month, children explored books and tasted fruit and vegetables from Africa and the Caribbean. Staff speak a variety of languages that reflect the culturally diverse local area.
They use these skills to support children and families who speak English as an additional language. This helps children to learn English very quickly once they start at the setting.Managers create a learning environment that offers a wide variety of learning opportunities.
Staff know what they want children to learn. However, they do not always plan for the younger children to express high levels of creativity and imagination through sensory activities.Managers work closely with staff, meeting regularly and giving constructive feedback.
Staff receive the mandatory training they need. However, managers have not yet focused professional development on enhancing staff's knowledge and practice further. For example, at times, during group time, children become distracted, and staff do not intervene quickly enough to maintain their attention.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: help staff to extend opportunities for younger children to develop their imagination, exploration and creativity further develop opportunities to extend staff's knowledge and practice, particularly when implementing planned group activities to extend children's confidence, involvement and learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.