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About Ellergreen Nursery School and Childcare Centre
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The exceptional staff team creates a nurturing environment for children where they feel safe and form secure attachments with staff. Children enter this extremely welcoming and inclusive setting full of enthusiasm and anticipation about the day ahead.
Opportunities for children to learn the skills they need to be independent learners are embedded in the setting's ethos. Children fulfil their morning routines with ease and independence. From the moment children arrive, they are immersed in play experiences that precisely meet their interests and next steps in development.
The curriculum is designed with passion a...nd expertise. Children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), develop extensive skills and knowledge across all seven areas of learning. Leaders and staff gather detailed information about each child from their starting points and know them extremely well.
They use their detailed knowledge of each child to provide an ambitious curriculum that is targeted to their individual needs. Staff skilfully break down each skill that they want children to learn into small steps. They expertly differentiate these steps according to each child's stage of learning.
This helps to build on each child's knowledge over time.Children's emotional well-being is superbly supported. Staff place priority on embedding rules from the very beginning and act as positive role models.
Younger children show that they respect these as they play harmoniously together. Children share, take turns, play collaboratively, and listen to their peers and staff. Children demonstrate superb behaviour and have a deep understanding of the rules and expectations.
Staff nurture children exceptionally well and give them the skills needed in preparation for school.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum for personal, social and emotional development is exemplary. Staff expertly use back-and-forth interactions to encourage children to compare a range of feelings and emotions during small-group activities.
Strategies such as 'The Zones of Regulation' support younger children to communicate how they are feeling using colours on a vision board, such as blue for sad. Staff expertly extend older children's learning with questions such as, 'I wonder how we can help you to be in the green zone and feel happy?' Children demonstrate a strong awareness of their emotions and express these well.Staff are highly effective at supporting children's communication and language development.
They meticulously assess children's communication and language development in a child's first weeks of attendance. Activities are skilfully adapted to ensure learning for all participating. Staff place a strong focus on the use of rhymes and action songs with younger children to support their understanding of key words.
For example, staff encourage younger children to use simple signs as they develop their communication skills. Furthermore, they develop older children's understanding of negative words through questions. For instance, as children collect their water bottles, staff ask questions such as, 'Who hasn't got their water yet?' This helps children to develop their skills and to be confident communicators.
Throughout the day, children show high levels of independence by selecting their own activities and resources. They are proud to do things for themselves, such as washing and drying their hands. The routine of snack and lunchtimes allows children to engage in discussions about why drinking is so important as well as healthy foods.
Children develop an understanding of healthy lifestyle habits.Staff plan rich opportunities to teach children about the world around them and their community. For example, leaders plan visits from the local farm, which brings animals such as llamas to the setting.
Children spend time learning about how to care for other living things. Furthermore, children frequently engage in charity work and giving back to the community.Children with SEND are supported with great expertise.
Staff work exceedingly well with other professionals involved in children's care and development. Staff create a highly tailored and consistent approach in meeting children's needs, such as providing one-to-one support for children who need it. They work collaboratively with parents and other professionals to ensure that additional funding such as the early years pupil premium is best spent to help all children thrive.
All children make excellent progress.Partnership working with parents is exceptional. Staff keep parents highly informed of their children's progress in flexible and very effective ways.
Parents particularly praise the setting for providing workshops to support their skills and understanding in different areas. Parents attend workshops on behaviour management and developing children's communication skills. This supports the continuation of children's learning.
Staff knowledge of local safeguarding issues and how to raise concerns is superb. For example, leaders collaborate with outside agencies and discuss local safeguarding issues. This helps them to be fully aware of any emerging concerns.
In addition, the premises are exceptionally safe and secure. Consequently, children's safety is assured.Leadership and management are inspirational.
Leaders use their expert knowledge of early education to lead by example and guide staff. The quality of supervision provided by the managers to staff is rigorous. They provide excellent mentoring to less experienced staff.
This helps these staff to develop their teaching skills rapidly. Therefore, children consistently benefit from high-quality and outstanding teaching.Leaders place a great emphasis on staff's well-being.
There are strong and positive working relationships with all members of staff. Leaders work collaboratively with staff and are always available should staff have any concerns. This creates a positive working environment.
Staff enjoy coming to work and strive to help children to flourish.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.