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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children flourish and thrive in an exceptional learning environment.
They play safely, accessing a wealth of experiences and opportunities. Children are well behaved and have excellent manners. Children have strong relationships with their key persons and with their peers.
They are exceedingly independent with self-care and at mealtimes. Children have secure routines and opportunities to master skills through consistent daily practise.Children are highly motivated to learn.
For the Queen's Jubilee, the children made flags and crowns, enjoyed singing the national anthem and it became a nursery favourite ...as children say 'We want to sing the Queen's song again.' The colourful displays are welcoming and share children's creations. 'Our sunflowers make us feel bright and cheerful' captions the independent paintings of flowers by children.
Children have high levels of conversational skills and a growing vocabulary bank. They engage in meaningful discussions with practitioners, who continually question, listen, and acknowledge the voice of the child. Children make visits to the local post box to post letters and enjoy nature walks in the community.
They place shells up to their ears and listen intently. A practitioner asks 'What does it sound like?' Children say that it sounds like the sea and 'Like the waves'. Children laugh and giggle as they play outdoors, climbing on the tyres and making up their own games to challenge themselves.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The nursery team are exceptionally passionate about their roles. They put high emphasis on children making progress and succeeding. The ambitious curriculum follows the interests and needs of the children.
Children are making excellent progress. Those who need extra support have the best possible start to their learning journey. The special educational needs and/or disabilities coordinator and key persons are highly knowledgeable.
Children are well prepared as they move on for the next stage of their education.Children explore the play dough while making boats. They use their knuckles to squash and squeeze, which develops their small-muscle skills.
They use different shells to decorate the boats and make masts. The practitioner extends the learning by sharing a book about the seashore and they match the shells. Children are encouraged to question and problem solve.
For example, when a boat breaks a child suggests 'Maybe a crab broke it.' They work to fix the problem and try out and test their ideas to mend the boat.Children excitedly explore the mud kitchen and use a whisk to make cement using water.
A practitioner asks 'What can we do to make it thicker?' Children use a ladle to transfer more mud and pat it down. Children use their hands to explore the soil and mud. They notice the water 'Being brown and dirty' as the mud is added.
Children shout 'We are making cement'. They are keen to share their learning. For example, they say 'We put it on the bricks, and we spread it, put a brick on, it goes quite high, it makes a house.'
Children become deeply absorbed in creating and writing their own story on a large sheet of paper. The storyline starts with going on holiday and the children think of their own ideas about what happens along the way. Children use the small-world figures to tell the story and mark make.
The practitioner tells the narrative alongside. A child comments 'It's a disaster'. Children share the story at group time and recall the events of the adventure for all to enjoy.
Children squeal with excitement as they all gather to watch the group experiment. 'This is so much fun' the children say as the practitioner pours the vinegar on and the 'lava' overflows. Practitioners embed counting, early addition and introduce mathematical language, such as more or less.
Practitioners name shapes, inviting children to sit at the hexagon table and talk about objects that are small, medium, and large.The nursery manager is professional, and the well-being of her team is highly important. She is organised, adaptable and forward thinking.
The professional development and training of the team is important and has a very positive impact on children's learning. Partnership working with parents is outstanding. Parents talk warmly about practitioners being caring and approachable.
They feel the communication is excellent and they are well informed of their children's progress.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Safeguarding is of high priority and children are kept safe from potential harm.
Practitioners have a secure knowledge of protecting children and the issues related to wider society, such as county lines and the 'Prevent' duty. They know how to recognise potential signs of abuse and children who are vulnerable. Children are supervised appropriately and kept safe at nursery by vigilant staff.
The procedure for reporting concerns is embedded and staff know who to report to. The designated safeguarding lead is clear about her role and responsibilities. She knows the robust procedures in place to report concerns to the local authority if needed.