Essex After School Clubs @ Upminster Junior And Infant School

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About Essex After School Clubs @ Upminster Junior And Infant School

Name Essex After School Clubs @ Upminster Junior And Infant School
Address Upminster Junior School, St Marys Lane, Upminster, RM14 3BS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and settle quickly into the extremely warm and welcoming after-school provision. They demonstrate their understanding of the routines. For instance, younger children hang their coats and bags up on arrival.

Children listen carefully and respond politely to staff who welcome them and mark the register. Staff are exceptionally caring and build strong relationships with all children, which effectively supports their confidence. Children choose from a range of interesting and exciting activities both indoors and outdoors.

Younger children enthusiastically explore their surroundings with continuous support staff. For example, they take part in bug hunting, exploring the garden with great curiosity and excitement. Children agree on rules and boundaries for the club and uphold these very well.

They ensure their friends are included in activities, willingly share and are very respectful of each other and staff. Behaviour is extremely good. Staff recognise and praise each small step in children's achievements.

Children's individual needs are carefully considered and met effectively. Staff are extremely receptive and responsive, and children feel safe and secure. The exceptional manager and staff are remarkably effective in working in partnership with parents and the school, to support the needs of all children in their care.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager shows commitment and dedication in offering children an enjoyable place to be after school. She works with the children, staff team and parents to reflect on the environment and activities provided. The information gained is then used to enhance the provision and children's experiences further.

This helps to promote children's self-esteem as their voices are listened to and actioned. For example, the older children requested to use the large apparatus outside. The provider gained permission from the school and ensured they are appropriately insured to allow the children to use this apparatus.

This enhances the children's enjoyment. The provider works closely with the school to ensure information about individual children is shared. For instance, if there are changes within a child's life, concerns about their welfare or accidents within the club.

This helps provide continuity of care for children.Staff have an exceptional approach to working with children. They show a wealth of knowledge, particularly in supporting children to feel safe and assured.

For example, younger children sometimes take part in small-group activities with their key person. This allows them to have time and staff attention to participate in activities more suited to them.Children's physical skills very well promoted.

They enjoy free-flow access to the outdoor space where they take part in a range of games. This helps to provide good opportunities to enhance their physical health and well-being.Young children thrive in the excellent care of the staff who work with them.

They thoroughly enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, where they can join in activities such as, drawing, painting, and making different structures with construction toys. They join in role play with their friends and communicate very well. Children take part in cooking activities, such as making fruit kebab and using play dough.

Other children join in games such as making 3D shapes, while some children lay back in the cosy area and chill out with a book.Staff acknowledge children's efforts and achievements well, which supports their high levels of confidence and self-esteem. They place the highest focus on supporting children to develop strong friendships with one another and to be confident.

Younger children show an eagerness to be independent. They demonstrate these skills highly effectively as they get ready to go outside. Meals provided are healthy and nutritious.

Staff encourage children personal hygiene well. These complement the skills that children learn in school.The provider supports her staff team very well to develop their knowledge and skills, for example through supervision, training, meetings and daily discussions.

She effectively leads the team along with the experienced manager, and they give a high priority to staff's welfare as well as the children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff regularly refresh their safeguarding knowledge through training to keep abreast with current legislations.

They are aware of the processes to follow if they are concerned about children's welfare. They are aware of the duty to prevent children from being drawn into situations that put them at risk. For example, staff constantly supervise children while they use the computer.

The premises are secure so that children cannot leave unsupervised and unwanted visitors cannot gain access. Staff identify and successfully minimise potential risks in the premises. Recruitment and selection procedures are effective.

Also at this postcode
Upminster Infant School Upminster Junior School

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