Everton Kids Club Ltd

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About Everton Kids Club Ltd

Name Everton Kids Club Ltd
Address Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School, Northumberland Terrace, LIVERPOOL, L5 3QF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive full of excitement to play and explore during their time at the club. They have access to a well-resourced environment, indoors and outdoors. Staff plan activities which they know children will enjoy.

Children are keen to play and join in games. They talk about their school day and staff show genuine interest. These interactions provide a foundation for mutual respect and friendship between the different ages of children who attend.

Staff encourage children to make independent choices. For example, they welcome children's feedback and ideas for the club. They use this information to plan activities to meet ...individual children's needs and interests.

Staff know the children very well. For instance, they instinctively recognise when individual children need additional support.Children behave very well.

They respond well to praise from staff which gives them a strong sense of belonging. Staff have clear expectations and are positive role models for the children. Children see the impact of their positive behaviour through weekly recognition awards.

Staff promote children's independence in many ways. For instance, children help staff to review the activities offered within the club. Staff also ask children to help plan and prepare for birthday celebrations in the club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff spend a great deal of time working with the host school and value the highly effective partnership. For example, they adopt the school's vision in promoting children's positive behaviour and self-confidence. Parents comment that staff go above and beyond to support the link between school and home.

Staff are friendly and welcoming when parents arrive. They make time to hand over key information about children's time in the club and any messages from school. Parents speak positively about their children's experiences.

For example, they say their children enjoy attending and taking part in new and exciting experiences. They add that children cannot wait to attend the next sessions.The manager and staff share high aspirations for the ongoing development of the club.

Staff work with parents and children to reflect on its effectiveness to plan further enhancements. Staff prioritise children's happiness and desire to attend. For example, they promote a culture of respect and listen to what the children want for the future development of the club.

Children contribute their views and ideas towards activities. They show a great sense of ownership of the club. Children tell the inspector about their experiences and the activities they enjoy the most.

They share their excitement about making slime. Children have great fun investigating the slime to see who can make the biggest bubbles and stretch the slime the furthest. They recall scientific experiments they have carried out during their time in the club.

Children enjoy a range of healthy snacks and drinks after they come into the club from their day in school. They have ample opportunities for physical exercise inside and outdoors. Staff talk to children about the effects of exercise and healthy food choices.

This helps children to understand the benefits of healthy lifestyles.Staff are friendly and approachable. They create a calm and welcoming environment.

Children are confident to choose activities and lead their play. Staff instinctively know when to support children and when to allow children additional opportunities for independence. Children show they feel relaxed and settled.

The club is a hive of activity. Staff ensure all children have opportunities to enjoy high-interest activities. Children relish opportunities to make decisions about their own play.

Staff offer clear rules and boundaries to allow children to develop their understanding of expectations. For instance, children compile a list of those who wish to play on the games console. They recognise and respect the time limits set by the club.

Children develop a strong awareness of their own personal safety. They confidently discuss weekly fire drill procedures. They know what they need to do if they have to evacuate the premises in an emergency.

Children love to talk about these procedures with the caretaker of the host school. They also take part in assessing the safety of the environment.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff demonstrate a secure knowledge of child protection issues. All staff share a clear understanding of the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child's welfare. Staff access regular training to keep their understanding up to date.

Staff have a strong awareness of wider safeguarding issues, such as identifying children who may be at risk of exposure to extreme views and behaviour. The manager carries out a robust recruitment, induction and supervision programme. This helps to ensure staff are suitable to work with children and prepares them well for their role.

All staff follow effective procedures to safeguard children. For example, staff maintain safe and secure environments for children to protect them from harm. They carry out daily checks to ensure the club environment is safe and risks to children are minimised.

Also at this postcode
Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

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