Explorers PreSchool

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About Explorers PreSchool

Name Explorers PreSchool
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Nicholas CE Primary School, Ash Walk, Henstridge, Somerset, BA8 0QD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Leaders have created a curriculum that offers children varied experiences and opportunities, helping them to build on what they know and can do.

Leaders place a focus on providing children with the skills they need to become confident and independent learners. During snack, children pour their own drinks and place their plates in the sink when they have finished. Children develop good independence skills.

Younger children build their strength, coordination and balance as they confidently walk down the steps to the garden. Older children show good spatial awareness and have fun when riding balance bikes, weaving in and ...out of others. Children begin to develop their understanding of mathematical concepts.

Staff count with children as they build towers and talk about the shape of children's sandwiches. Children use language such as 'square' and 'oval'. Children work collaboratively during play and use their imagination well.

For example, they help each other to carefully place foam bricks together to make a 'big bed' to lie on.Staff use consistent routines and boundaries, helping children to understand what is expected of them. Children benefit from opportunities to explore their feelings and emotions through discussions and books.

This helps children to begin to self-regulate their emotions. Staff are good role models and encourage children to be kind and caring towards each other. Children enjoy cuddles and reassurance from the calm and nurturing staff, who are attentive to their needs.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan exciting activities based on the 'book of the week', children's interests and what they want children to learn next. For example, children excitedly observe the cause and effect of pouring water over ice as it slowly melts. However, occasionally, during adult-led activities, the learning intention for individual children is not clear.

Consequently, some children's engagement is not sustained to build on and maximise their learning.Staff complete regular observations and assessments, helping to identify any gaps in children's development. For example, staff have noticed that older children need more support with their scissor control in preparation for school.

Leaders have recently linked with local health visitors to support children and parents, helping to close gaps in children's learning. Children make good progress.Children develop a love of literacy.

Younger children show an interest in books and older children begin to develop the skills they need in preparation for early reading. For example, during group times, older children revisit the 'letter of the week' and begin to recognise initial sounds. However, during these times, staff do not adapt their teaching to meet younger children's level of development.

This means younger children become distracted and lose focus on their learning.Staff support children to lead healthy lifestyles. They provide children with healthy snacks and share guidance with parents on what makes a healthy lunch box.

Staff promote good oral hygiene and children develop good awareness of healthy choices. Children benefit from fresh air and exercise every day, supporting their physical development and well-being.Since the last inspection, leaders have worked hard to create links within the community.

Staff, children and parents enjoy activities such as 'apple pressing' at the local farm. Children regularly visit their elderly friends in the village hall and enjoy singing together. These experiences support children's understanding of similarities and differences as they develop their knowledge of the world.

Leaders have developed a good community ethos.Leaders work closely with the local authority to support children and make improvements to their education. For example, staff and parents have recently worked together to renovate the outside area.

This has impacted positively on children's love of nature and wildlife. The committee is committed to ongoing improvements and provides a wealth of support for leaders and staff.Parents report that their children are well supported with their care and emotional needs.

For instance, staff recognise that the use of dummies can hinder children's speech. They share this information with parents and work with them to keep the use of dummies to a minimum. Parents have recently attended a parents' evening and have good knowledge of their child's development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: focus teaching more precisely on children's next steps in learning during adult-led activities, helping to maximise children's progress strengthen staff's knowledge of how to adapt teaching during group times for younger children, helping them to develop their focus and concentration.

Also at this postcode
St Nicholas CofE Primary School, Henstridge PH ActiveEd – St Nicholas, Henstridge

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