Fair Play Roman Way

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About Fair Play Roman Way

Name Fair Play Roman Way
Address Roman Way First School, Burns Road, Royston, SG8 5EQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and settled in the welcoming and well-organised club. They arrive from the school day ready to relax and have fun with their friends. Staff prepare a variety of activities and experiences ready for children to choose.

There is a warm and friendly greeting from staff as they mark the children in the register. Children and staff talk about their day in school and their plans. The ease of these conversations and the warmth between staff and children show that children feel comfortable, confident and secure at the club.

Staff listen attentively to children, showing them that they are interested in what they ...have to say. Children behave well. They know the club rules and follow the example set by staff about how to behave respectfully and safely.

Children and staff say that being at the club with those who attend and work in school helps them to understand what is expected of them. Children follow appropriate hygiene routines, washing their hands before having their snack. Children appreciate that they can choose what they eat from a well-balanced selection.

They enjoy time talking as they sit at the table. Children from across the year groups have a wonderful discussion about football. This illustrates how well children of all ages get along together at the club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff focus on the needs of the children. They understand what they like to do and actively involve children in planning experiences. Staff seek out children's views and this helps them to shape appropriate experiences that capture children's interest and imagination.

Children spend a long time in deep concentration as they make shaped mats from tiny beads. Children describe the police car they are making with the light on the top. Others explain the patterns they are creating as they carefully sort through the beads to find the particular colours they need.

Children and staff play games together. The interactions are positive and fun. Children encourage staff involvement in guessing games, where they draw on magnetic boards.

The children try hard to find simple objects to draw that can be tricky for staff to recognise. This results in lots of thoughtful faces and laughter as they play together.Staff make sure children have time outside in the fresh air.

They ensure the playground is safe and ready to use before children go outdoors. Staff engage in the activities. They support children as they play, giving them guidance and an excellent demonstration of skipping with a rope.

This encourages children to have a go and to improve their technique.Older children show visiting adults and younger children the resources they are making for their highly imaginative game. They describe the game and the manual they have written as they make shells that ward off danger.

These lively conversations help children to make friends and develop their social skills with children of different ages.Parents say that their children enjoy attending the club. They are complimentary about the staff and the experiences provided for their children.

Parents find the club staff friendly and approachable. They say staff communicate effectively and pass on essential information. Some parents report complaints from their children that they do not get to go to the club every day.

The provider works closely with the school. Staff benefit from the training they undertake in their school jobs. The effective partnership provides continuity of care for all children.

The shared values and high level of trust helps children to feel secure. Children enjoy being able to talk and share experiences with those that understand their daily lives in school and at the club.The staff and the provider are organised.

They have the necessary paperwork to ensure the safe care of children. Staff know the policies and procedures that apply to their work. They implement these effectively.

For example, staff make accurate records of minor accidents that occur and share the details, including any treatment given, with parents.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Roman Way Academy

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