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About Fairfield

Name Fairfield
Ofsted Inspections
Address 55a Carr House Lane, Halifax, HX3 7RH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Calderdale
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The passionate and skilled staff create an environment where children become inquisitive learners at this welcoming nursery. Friendly staff greet children warmly on arrival. They know children extremely well.

Children form strong bonds with staff and show they feel safe and secure. Babies look to them for reassurance and go to seek comfort in their arms. Children are happy and enjoy spending time in their 'family groups' with their key person.

Staff have high expectations of children and are positive role models. Children have consistently high levels of respect for others. For example, children give their frien...d a jug to use when playing with the water and go to find another one for themselves.

Leaders and managers have a clear and ambitious vision to ensure children receive the best care and early education. They plan a highly effective curriculum for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff make adaptations for children's individual needs.

For example, provision is in place to support children who may need additional support in their learning and for those children who may need further challenge.Children show high levels of concentration and become deeply involved in their learning. For example, they watch intently as they pour the water and watch it run down the channels.

Staff encourage children to think about where the water is going when they try to use a funnel to fill the container. Staff plan opportunities for children to remember and talk about what they have been learning. Children confidently share their knowledge with their friends.

They are ready for their move on to school.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers support children and families even before they start at the nursery. They plan play sessions for the wider community and invite new parents and carers, including grandparents, to baby sensory sessions.

Skilled leaders facilitate play and provide support and advice to new parents. For example, they lead discussions on feeding and supporting babies' early physical development. This helps children to receive the best start in their care and education.

Leaders and managers plan an effective language-rich environment for all children. Staff are skilled in promoting communication and language. For example, they use facial expressions with babies and give a commentary on what they are doing.

Staff ask effective questions that encourage older children to think of solutions. Children take part in group discussions and are confident to share their ideas.Children's voices are greatly valued in the nursery.

They have lots of opportunities to express themselves and make choices. For example, children answer a daily question. Older children become council members and meet to discuss what activities they would like to see in the nursery.

As a result, children show increasingly high levels of confidence in social situations and are excellent communicators.Children show very good control and coordination in both large and small movements. For example, babies learn to take their first steps.

Staff encourage them to walk up a slope and over a small bridge. They are knowledgeable in child development and how young children need to develop their balance to help them become more mobile. Staff plan activities for older children to use tools and make marks for a purpose.

Staff promote children's independence effectively. Babies learn to drink from an open cup and toddlers learn to pour their own drinks as they count 'one, two, three, stop', when pouring water from a jug. Older children manage their outdoor clothing with skill.

Staff teach children to use a knife and fork and offer hand-over-hand support. Children become confident in managing simple tasks for themselves.Staff read and sing with children throughout the day.

Babies enjoy looking at board books and staff sing songs with them. Toddlers enjoy a book about dinosaurs and staff encourage them to talk about the pictures. Older children listen intently to a longer story.

Children sing to themselves as they play. They develop a love of stories, songs and rhymes.Parents speak highly of staff and the nursery.

They comment staff are proactive in sharing information. For example, parents appreciate the information regarding screen time the nursery recently shared. They report the nursery has a positive impact on their child's learning and development.

The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has a clear overview of how to support children. She liaises with outside agencies and is very proactive in seeking support and advice. Where referrals may take time, she ensures this waiting time is not wasted.

The SENCo quickly puts support in place. Additional funding is used effectively to meet the individual needs of children. Home learning bags support parents to continue their child's learning at home and help with specific areas of learning.

This helps all children to make very good progress.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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