Fairy Bridge Day Nursery

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About Fairy Bridge Day Nursery

Name Fairy Bridge Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 22 Tunnel Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 0NN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Leaders and managers have made vast improvements to the nursery since the last inspection. Children are happy and well educated at this family-orientated nursery.

They start the day confidently, leaving their parents and/or carers with the support of friendly staff. Children know the routine well. Pre-school children find their name cards and put them in the basket before they meet with friends for group time.

The predictable daily routines provide security for children, and they learn to be confident and independent learners. Children behave well in the nursery. They take turns, share and show kindness to one another....

For example, children who want to play the keyboard ask, 'Please may I have a turn next?'Children are motivated to learn. Staff have high expectations for what each child can achieve. Children explore the interesting and well-planned environment with their friends to develop their own learning.

They practise their physical skills in the outdoor area, where they kick balls and ride wheeled toys. Additionally, staff lead meaningful and exciting learning activities, such as volcano experiments, to further promote children's learning about science. Children are prepared well for their education and life ahead.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and deputy manager have addressed the weaknesses identified at the last inspection with the support of the local authority adviser. The care of babies is now a strength of the nursery. Staff have a very good understanding of the ways babies learn and develop.

They provide one-to-one support for each baby. Babies explore sensory play with excitement and learn the sounds that farm animals make.The manager has fully considered the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children's development.

Therefore, the curriculum focuses on the development of children's speech, language and communication. Babies are taught how to vocalise through sensitive interactions and singing rhymes. Toddlers learn key vocabulary, such as 'car', 'train' and 'brick', through simple games.

Older children learn that clear speech is important when they read 'Freddie and the Fairy'. If children show any delay, staff act swiftly to refer them for additional support. Children develop the ability to speak and express themselves well.

Overall, children develop well personally, socially and emotionally. They are allocated a key person who provides the link between the nursery and home. Staff know the children well and understand their individual requirements.

Children learn how to become independent in dressing, toileting and eating. They develop appropriate self-help skills, such as blowing their own noses and tidying away toys. However, children are not learning sufficient knowledge about oral health because this is not fully promoted.

Children have lots of opportunities to develop their mathematical knowledge and skills through exploration and play. Staff teach children how to recognise numbers and to add two numbers together. Children learn to count, using one-to-one correspondence.

They accurately count the candles they have put in their play-dough cakes. Children gain a strong mathematical foundation.The manager recognises the value of continuous quality improvement.

She provides appropriate support and supervision for the staff team. Staff say that they feel well supported by the management team. Staff have received training and carried out research.

For example, some staff have attended training relevant to the ages of the children who they work with. This has had a positive impact on the quality of the teaching and learning. However, some staff are still developing their teaching skills.

Parents speak positively about the nursery. They recognise that their children have made progress since attending. Parents appreciate the support and advice offered to them about topics such as correct shoe fitting and sleep guidelines.

However, parents are not provided with information and activities to help them to support their children's learning further at home. This means that children's learning at home is not fully supported.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are confident in their roles to safeguard children. They understand the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is being abused. They know who to contact to refer any concerns they may have.

Whistle-blowing procedures are well understood. The manager ensures that staff attend relevant safeguarding training. Staff know about a range of safeguarding issues that affect their local area.

The manager has made strong links with safeguarding professionals so that information can be appropriately shared and acted on. Daily risk assessments are carried out by staff to help ensure that the premises are safe, suitable and hygienic.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: focus staff development even more precisely to strengthen the quality of teaching to an even higher level promote the good oral health of all children attending the nursery develop the information provided for parents so that they can share learning at home.

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