Farlington Wrap Around Court Lane

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About Farlington Wrap Around Court Lane

Name Farlington Wrap Around Court Lane
Address Court Lane Junior School, Hilary Avenue, PORTSMOUTH, PO6 2PP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Portsmouth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Caring staff warmly welcome children as they collect them from school. Children speak excitedly about their day and what they have been doing.

Staff listen with genuine interest. Children show they are familiar with the routine. They safely transition from the school to the 'wraparound' facilities.

Children confidently walk in pairs. They navigate the school corridors chatting freely with each other. Staff and children spend a great deal of time outside in the fresh air.

They access a range of resources to develop their physical skills. For example, they independently scoot around on 'wiggle boards'. Children coop...eratively engage in skipping.

Staff encourage them to count as they skip, increasing the number of jumps each time. Inside, children access quieter activities, such as drawing and imaginative play. This helps to develop their creative skills.

Staff have high expectations for children. This helps to develop children's social skills and confidence. They form good relationships with the staff.

Children happily greet visitors to the setting. They demonstrate good behaviour and attitudes. Children show perseverance and spend long periods making chains from coloured rubber bands.

They show excitement as they realise how long their chains have become.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The director provides good leadership. Staff report their well-being is good and they receive effective termly supervisions.

As a result, they access additional training courses to increase their knowledge and skills. Staff receive a thorough induction process. This helps to prepare them for their roles.

It gives staff an understanding of health and safety requirements. The director and staff evaluate the provision by talking to the parents and children. Changes are then made to meet the needs of the children and families.

Children say they love their club. They talk confidently about their favourite activities. Children enjoy playing active games with staff, indoors and outdoors.

They confidently build constructions and take part in creative and imaginative play. They proudly take their artwork home.Parents are complimentary about the club and the approachable and friendly staff.

They comment that their children thoroughly enjoy the different activities the club offers. Parents say their children often ask if they can go to 'wraparound' all day. Staff gather good information from parents about their children.

Parents say they have confidence leaving their children. They state their children are safe and the staff care for them well. Parents report that feedback from the club is very informative.

They get a sense of what their children have been doing after school.Staff support children's understanding of being healthy effectively. Children manage their personal hygiene very well, understanding the importance of regular handwashing before mealtimes and after using the toilet.

The club provides healthy and nutritious snacks. Staff use mealtimes to further promote independence. For example, children confidently serve their own food.

Older children are particularly kind and help the younger children. Children know the routine of the club very well.Staff carefully consider how to help the youngest children to feel secure.

They use group times to encourage older children to share the rules. Older children eagerly think of rules and talk about these with the younger children who have just started. This gives children a sense of belonging and positively promotes their well-being.

Records are clearly documented, and staff reflect on accidents and any changes that need to be implemented. This helps to ensure that the needs of children are met and also ensures effective management of the provision. Records and policies are well maintained and implemented.

However, some policies would benefit from further information to make them more comprehensive.Staff form good relationships with the teachers and assistants on site. Effective handovers about accidents take place to ensure parents get informed.

This helps to assure children's welfare.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a good understanding of safeguarding practice.

They undertake regular training to ensure their knowledge remains current. Staff know the procedures to follow if they have concerns about another member of staff. They complete risk assessments of the indoor and outdoor environments.

This helps to ensure children's well-being and safety. Robust systems exist for the collection of children from the school. All children wear high-visibility jackets during the transition.

This helps to identify them easily at this busy time. All staff receive paediatric first-aid training. This supports staff to take the appropriate action following accidents.

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