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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is inadequate
The provider does not always ensure that children are placed down to sleep safely in line with the latest government safety guidance. Staff do not effectively risk assess the environment.
Consequently, hazardous items are at times accessible to some children. This compromises children's safety. The provider does not ensure that all children have access to an outdoor play area or that outdoor activities are planned and taken on a daily basis for younger children.
This impacts on children's healthy lifestyles. The provider does not ensure that the curriculum is planned to support children to develop good levels of ...engagement and involvement in their learning. Staff do not always engage in high-quality interactions with children.
These weaknesses mean that children's knowledge and skills are not fully extended.Staff get to know children well. They offer cuddles and sit alongside children and play together.
This helps children to feel happy in the setting. Staff encourage children to behave well. They talk with children about what they need to do.
This helps children to understand what is expected from them. Staff teach children about how to respect others. They create play opportunities for children to learn about different cultures and disabilities.
This helps children to learn about and appreciate differences.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider does not have arrangements in place which ensures children are always placed to sleep safely. Babies are placed in cots where sheets that cover the mattress are too small, this causes the mattress to fold in at the edges, resulting in the mattresses not being flat.
Furthermore, children are not placed in the feet to foot position. This compromises children's well-being.The provider does not ensure that risk assessments are effective and that they inform staff practice.
Staff do not always identify risks and remove or minimise these. Consequently, items such as heaters, plastic carrier bags and cleaning sprays are not stored safely.Older children enjoy playing outdoors, which helps them to benefit from fresh air and exercise.
However, the provider does not ensure that younger children have opportunities to be outdoors on a daily basis. This means this group of children do not have consistent support with their physical health.The provider does not ensure that the quality of learning is consistent across all the age groups.
Staff play alongside children and at times they help extend children's knowledge and understanding. However, there is not always a strong focus on what children need to learn next. This means some learning experiences are not ambitious and do not support children with their next steps in learning.
Staff do not always plan learning experiences which fully extend children's communication and language development, or their problem solving skills.Staff do not always plan the curriculum to support children's individual needs. The learning environments do not encourage children to make independent choices for themselves or generate children's curiosity and allow them to revisit previous learning.
At times, children lose interest in their chosen activity because the resources are mixed up together into boxes or are out of children's reach. This means that children sometimes wander around the room and do not engage in deep learning.Staff build good relationships with parents.
They find out about children's families and provide opportunities in the setting to build on things that children have experienced at home. Staff talk to parents about how they can continue learning at home. This helps children to benefit from a consistent approach.
Staff offer children praise and encouragement. They tell children about the things that they do well. This helps to build children's confidence and self-esteem.
The provider demonstrates a positive attitude and capacity towards rectifying the weaknesses. Staff are motivated to provide a good quality service to children and their families. They have visited other settings to help them identify areas for improvement.
Leaders have worked with each member of staff so that they have an individual area to work on improving. This has helped the setting to improve some aspects of its practice.
The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.
There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date ensure children are placed down to sleep safely in line with the latest government safety guidance and that staff understand and always follow these 29/11/2024 ensure there are effective risk assessments in place and that these inform staff practice and are implemented correctly in order to reduce any potential risk to children 29/11/2024 ensure all children have daily access to outdoor play.06/12/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimprove support and coaching for staff, to enable them to provide consistently good learning experiences for all children support staff to implement an ambitious curriculum for all children to help them to make good progress.