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About Firbobs @ Thornton Hough
Firbobs @ Thornton Hough
Thornton Hough Primary School, St. Georges Way, WIRRAL, Merseyside, CH63 1JJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children demonstrate they are happy and settled and enjoy sharing time with others of all ages. They demonstrate kindness and are thoughtful when engaging with children new to the setting. Children work together to write up their own club rules which are displayed for them to refer to.
Staff are positive role models for children. They frequently praise children for helping one another and for achieving what they set out to do. Staff provide a range of interesting and challenging activities that promote children's continued readiness for school.
For instance, children are encouraged to read the snack menu when making choice...s. Children write their own names on their artwork. They make independent choices about playing indoors or outdoors.
They also freely access a range of resources and equipment around them. Staff spend time playing alongside children and take the opportunity to chat with them about their school day and home life. This gives children the chance to talk about what they enjoy and about anything that may be concerning them.
Consequently, children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure, and demonstrate that they have close emotional attachments with the adults who care for them.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children play with a range of resources that reflect positive images of diversity. They engage in games that celebrate their unique differences.
Staff encourage children to investigate various festivals around the calendar year. For example, children find out about Chinese New Year through stories, books, resources and craft activities. Children create their own Chinese lanterns using scissors, sticky tape and pens to colour them in.
They write their name on their own work. These activities complement those that children experience during their school day.Children have great fun during outdoor play.
They organise their own teams for football and encourage younger girls and boys to join in. Children play fairly and explain the rules to those who are unsure. All children choose what they want to do during outdoor play times.
Some play tennis in pairs, while others play throw and catch with the balls. Staff engage with children as they make their own dens using large sheets and mats. They ask them a range of questions that encourage them to solve problems.
All staff are provided with regular one-to-one meetings with the manager. This provides them with the time to talk about their work load, and any concerns they may have about the children or other members of staff. Staff also talk about their home and work-life balance, and their continued suitability to work with children.
The provider includes the manager, staff, parents and their children in the self-evaluation processes of the club. She uses this information to identify areas for continuous improvement that further promote children's interests and learning.Staff provide children with healthy snacks.
Children choose from a range of vegetables, breads and spreads, and fruit. They help themselves to water from the water dispenser throughout the session. Staff ensure they talk to parents to identify children's allergies, religious requirements and parents' preferences.
This, and children's daily access to fresh air and exercise, helps children to learn about the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle.Partnerships with parents are positive. Staff talk to parents and the children to identify children's interests.
They ensure these are catered for and that children can access these freely in the environment from the outset. Parents and staff chat during pick-up times. Staff ensure all pertinent information from school teachers is passed on to all parents.
Partnerships with the on-site school are very strong. Staff work closely with the teachers to identify what children need to work on next, and provide activities and interactions to support their development. This helps to promote consistency and continuity for all children on roll.
Children enjoy competitive board games and demonstrate they know the rules to be followed. They enjoy relaxing times with their friends as they look through books and chat about their favourite characters and superheroes.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The provider ensures that all staff complete child protection training. As a result, all staff are aware of the possible signs of abuse or neglect. Staff know who to inform should there be any concerns about a child in their care of a member of staff they work with.
All staff are vigilant about ensuring children's safety and well-being. For instance, there is a robust risk assessment in place to ensure all areas of the club are free from possible hazards. Security at the club ensures children are unable to leave the premises and any visitors are checked prior to entry.